Tag Archives: SDnatic of the month

SDnatic of the month, March 2016

SD fans! It’s a bit over due, and mostly my ISP is at fault but we have our SDnatic for the month of march 2016! YAY! As you all know, we feature individuals that loves SD gundams, from beginners to experts and others that show their love in more ways than one. Like this!

sdnatic comic

Pretty Awesome! right?  Now, who might this SDnatic be? Well, let’s give a warm welcome to…

Ms. Lee Ann Holubek


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: I was honestly suprised. I didn’t really expect to be chosen for something like that, it’s a nice suprise.


Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: I’m a student, gamer, comic artist, and amature translator that really loves SD Gundams.


Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: I think it was 00. I loved the battles the series had and I enjoyed many of the characters.


Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Hm…I’d have to say Cagalli Yula Athla because I admire her for being a strong leader in SEED by going out and fighting the enemy herself instead of staying in the back and watching.


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: It would have to be the Re-GZ. I have six different figures and models of it, and I plan to get more.



When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: I don’t remember exactly, I think when I first started watching Gundam I heard about model kits. I thought they looked cool and went to the local hobby shop and bought some.


Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: About December 2011-ish


Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: Ryotou (Ling Tong) Gundam. I built it because it was Sangokuden, and I was watching that at the time.



Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Absolutely!!


Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: The OVA SD Gundam Emergency Sortie Musha Knight Command was my gateway to the SD franchise. I loved the cute and cool designs of SDs as well as the suprisingly deep lore behind many of the series.


Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Knight Unicorn Gundam because I love the character, the design, and his backstory about being the timekeeper of the SD world.



Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: I have 68, not counting my 5 SDXs.

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Q: And many more to come?

A: Definitely!!


Now that is an SD fan!!


Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: I’d have to say either Crown Knight Freedom Gundam or Valkyrie Gundam Hazel from New Testament SD Gundam Gaiden.


Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Lee Ann:

Just keep building! The world of SD is always expanding so you’ll always find something great!



And thank you also Ms. Lee Ann Holubek for letting us know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond… If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,

SD Dudesdnatic march fansign

SDnatic of the month, February 2016

Hey there SDfans! Again, we wanna welcome you to our new home, 2bottles.net. Even though things are new, our love for SD remains the same if not even more. And for the LOVE month of February, we have our SD lovin’ SDnatic of the month!!



Mr. Drew Arabejo



Q: Its a great honor to have Mr. Drew, here with us. So, how does it feel to be featured as SDnatic of the
A: Its a great honor and privilege to share my hobby to everyone. 🙂

Q: Can you share to us, who Drew is?

A: A huge fan of any thing Mecha, i only decided started painting and customizing my kits last 2013-2014. 🙂

Q: What Gundam series brought you to the world of Gundam and why?

A: Gundam Wing because its the first gundam series aired here in the Philippines that time…. and the way they entered during their battles… gave me that hyped feeling until today.

Q: Who is your favorite Gundam character? What did you like about him/her?

A: Nothing specific but those pilot in every series that use their pure skills vs. the ones with using gundams
with supernatural skills.
eg. graham acker, shin asuno and the wing boys

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Gouf (any variations)

Q: Let’s talk about Gunpla. When did you start Gunpla building?

A: When i was in Grade School!

Q: How long have you been building Gunpla?

A: I stopped collecting during high school and continue when I entered senior year in college up to now.

Q: What was you very first kit and why did you choose that model?

A: FG Gundam Deathscythe because it was my favorite MS on Gundam Wing and a gift from a friend of mine.

Q : Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes, Im a big SD fan

Q: What do SD models have, that caught your attention and inspired you to collect?

A: Easy to build and during my early years in gunpla I only snap build my kits, and the challenge of building and making it beautiful from a simple kit…

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Too many SD to choose from but the that stand out for me is the SD Legend Knight Gundam, I am fond of Knights
and Cavalry so most of my design are inspired by my Knights.


Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: At present I have 30 SD kits and still wanting more! 🙂



Q: And many more to come?

A: Definitely but I buy kits not for the hype of it but from my own personal taste, so it may take some time

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Do you have a dream SD kit or is there a kit that you really want? Or an SD kit that you hope Bandai would

A: I am still wanting to have that Knight Unicorn from the Legends line, as for the dream kit.. I would like them to
re-create the OZ grunt units of the Wing Series to SD line… how cool will that be!! 😀

Q: To finish things up, how about a word of inspiration to other SD fanatics?


Keep building and keep loving SD.. love it not just for the hype but also for the fun it brings during and after building it.

Enjoy Building!


And thank you also Mr. Drew Arabejo for letting us know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond… If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,

SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, January 2016

Hi SD fans!! 2016 is here! I’m pumped and excited! How bout you? Let us welcome the year with a good vibe! Why not, I mean, it’s gonna be another year of gunpla and SD for us! And what better way to keep this “love for SD” going??

Our SDnatic of the month!!!

Mr. James Andrew Ong


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Hello SD Dude. It’s an honor to greet 2016 as the SDnatic of the month!

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I am a multimedia artist, video game enthusiast.and very recently a gunpla addict.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam?

A: Gundam Wing.

Q: What did you like about it?

A: The opening song Rhythm Emotion. haha!

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Heero Yuy. I like his style.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Maybe I would have answered Wing Zero Custom years ago but recently I like the design and aesthetics of the G-Self.


(SD Dude: And I’m hoping that Bandai would release an SD G-Self! )

Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: I was bored. I wanted to try building Gunpla but I was too nervous about messing up a kit but one day I just went ahead and tried it out. Now I have a new hobby.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: July 2015.

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: SD Gundam 00 Seven Sword/G. It looked cool with all those swords.


Q: Are you an SD fan? What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: Yes! I love SD! I played plenty of Super Robot Taisen and G-Generation games so the SD style grew on me.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: For now, I will cheat and say all the SD EX-Standard kits!


Q: So far, how many babies, SD kits do you have?

A: 31!!


Wow, that’s a lot.

Q: And more to come in the future?

A: Yes please!

Q: Talkin’ like a real SD fan! How about a dream SD kit? What would you want it to be? Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: An SD G-Self preferably in the EX-Standard style.

Yeah! Me too! (SD Dude nodding in agreement)

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


Virtual high fives to all the SD fans out there.

For you guys who want to try building Gunpla but feel like it’s all a complicated process, don’t be afraid to ask silly questions and just go for it. In no time you will go from snap building kits to painting and customizing. Have fun!


And thank you also Mr. James Andrew Ong for letting us know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond… If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,

SD Dude


SDnatic of the month, December 2015

Happy Holidays SD fans!! It’s been a great year for us as we got lots of great SD kits this year, including the latest SD line which is the SD Ex-standard!! Ofcourse, we also have our SDnatic of the month for December, and before the year ends, SD Dude has something special. One of the reasons why SD Dude exist is that, we would like to encourage people to try out this hobby.

And that is why, for this month, we have someone who is new to the hobby!! Let us all welcome…

Ms. Precious Chan

SDnatic dec2015

Q: We’re very ecstatic to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Very Happy

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: Im a cosplayer, gamer and now a gundam builder…

Q: Since your new to this hobby and gundam as well, what gundam series do you like or would like to watch if you haven’t seen any?

A: Hmm… any series as long as it is related to gundam o.o and I know I’ll enjoy to watch it.

Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: My big brother Jeshiro.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: I forgot, but its only last month!

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: SD Destiny Gundam ( I forgot my other kit ) I choose SD because it is my 1st time to build a gundam and my friend suggested it

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes!

Q: What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: So cute 🙂 mini gundam

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q: How about a dream SD kit?

A: I only want each SD if possible I can buy each model hehe…

Q: What would you want it to be?

A: Any!!

Q: Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: Hmm… any kit is ok to me…Im not really choosy though.

Q: Someone might grant your wish! Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


Hello to all SD Fanatics ty for making me part of your group ^^ im really happy … arigatou minna san~!!

And thank you also Ms. Precious Chan for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude




SDnatic of the month, November 2015

SD fans!! We have another great builder to grace our SDnatic of the month. His passion and love for SD is reflected on his custom builds. The man known as “ENAIRA CUSTOM”.


Mr. Eryl Alcazar


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: First of all, I would like to thank you for featuring me here for this month. I would like to apologize if this interview got delayed, It just happened that there are lots of things that I need to accomplish and do last October, but I am very grateful that you still gave me a second chance to be featured for the November edition. May you continue to feature amazing SD Builders for this is a very special scale of gunpla in which most modellers tend to forget and ignore since they are hard to modify, but us, yes us! we are brave enough to love SD and I personally would like to thank you for doing that!

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Hehehe, I Am Eryl Alcazar, also known as Enaira Custom by some of my closest gunpla friends and peeps. “Enaira” is my wife’s name spelled backwards which is “Ariane”. I am currently on my third year in building gunpla. I do not have such Grade where I specialized since I tend to build what is needed (for contest entries) and what I want to build (as for personal project). As what my groupmates know about me (GMMC Philippines), I love fooling around and making my peers happy and laughing. As a builder, my trademark is the “Poor Man’s Modification” in which I use those common materials that I can see around the house and incorporate it on my gunpla build, examples are plastic playing cards, coffee stirrers and plastic bottle caps… also, it’s been my trademark to use Local Shoes Glue as my adhesive material.



Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz has been an all time favorite, Gundam 00 season 1 and 2 and most of all Gundam Build Fighters

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Chang Wu Fei has been my childhood Gundam Pilot favorite, don’t know why but I like him.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: I always loved Shenlong, Nataku and Altron, but now, since I am much more involved in gunpla building, I began to love Strike Gundam and Zakus


When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: Three years ago, when I stopped racing tamiya mini 4WD’s, my hands looked for something to scratch it’s itchiness and gunpla has been the medicine, then the rest is history 🙂

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: As far as I remember it was November 2012, that was the Time GMMC Philippines was established by my Gunpla Brother Seph Dela Cruz and yours truly

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: As far as I remember, it was a THH 1/144 HG Cherudim GNHR/W whom my wife gave me when I told her that I want to try to build gunpla

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: OF COURSE!!! I am the creator of SD United 🙂 heheheheheh

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: who wouldn’t love those cuties?!! They are not costly and they are so lovable! Whenever you are tired and in burnout status in building your model kits, building SD’s is a great way to relax, Brother Seph and I do that most of the time

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: SD Sangokuden Koranpiku has been a frustration, that elusive tiger has been my dream SD Kit…. I was born in the Year of the Tiger so for me, it’s a must have….. SD Strike is also a favorite, that was the very first kit which I modified to look SD Musha


Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: approximately 20 to 25 kits, I went on hiatus in collecting SD Kits since I got frustrated due to the fact that I was not able to buy SD Koranpiku.. I sold some before and only kept those whom my wife gave to me and those Samurai SD’s which I considered as my treasures

Q: And many more to come?

A: Definitely YES!!!! more to come!

“Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?”

A: SD Sangokuden Koranpiku (Goutaitei) as I have said, is my dream SD Kit, but as of now, SD BB Legend Strike Ryubi is also a must for me for my small “Strike Collection”

Finally, how about a message or advice for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.


Thank you!! thank you for supporting SD United! we’ve come a long way and still, we are pushing to move forward. I really appreciate all of you guys! Please continue loving our SD Kits, not all gunpla builders appreciate the said grade but who cares, that’s what makes us happy so let us ignore them and continue to pursue our collection dream with the help of our little buddies. Always remember it is hard to modify an SD Kit so if you have the talent in doing so, be humble, learn how to share and always help your fellow sd builder and collector to acquire his/her dream kit. Our SD community is small, let us practice camaraderie to preserve our love for our SD. Again, Thank you Brother Paul Tan for having me here. Long live SD collectors of the Philippines 🙂


And thank you also Mr. Eryl Alcazar for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

P.S. Look forward for SD CON entries this year!!!

SDnatic of the month, OCTOBER 2015!

SD fans!! Looking for some kits, but doesn’t know who to go to? Here is someone who can answer all you SD needs!! ( And other hobbies alike. )

Introducing! Mr. Jim Philip Almirañez !!


Q: Its a great honor to have Mr. Jim, here with us. So, how does it feel to be featured as SDnatic of the month??

A: I was “surprised”, I didn’t know that I will be part of this wonderful article I just read and saw in the web especially Facebook.

Q: Can you share to us, who Jim is?

A: “Jim” is a person who is fond of toy collecting especially when the budget is met (the so-called “P100 Adventure”). Any toy he knows that would get his interest especially Mechas. Brand is not an issue to him, but he is a critic in terms of the item condition (prefers brand new and with box). Also loves to graphic designs/layout using Photoshop. He’s also an antique collector. ^_^

Q: What Gundam series brought you to the world of Gundam and why?

A: The immortal series, “Gundam Wing”, I fell inlove with the mecha design, ohh… The highschool days… *reminiscing*, just I want to hear the opening theme “Just Communication” and the sound of the Gundams while there in action (does robot/gear sounds).

Q: Who is your favorite Gundam character? What did you like about him/her?

A: Favorite? hmm. kinda hard question, but my first choice is Chang Wu Fei, we have the same characteristics. Does the job on his own, a risk taker…

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Another hard question, but for me the best, Zeta Gundam.

Q: Let’s talk about Gunpla. When did you start Gunpla building?

A: Well I started building gunpla in 2006, but I started to dream to have one since 2001 (still have the manual given to me by my bestfriend)

Q: How long have you been building Gunpla?

A: 2006 stopped, the 2011-2014, total of 4 years.

Q: What was you very first kit and why did you choose that model?

A: Bandai FG Sword Impulse, the color. My favorite color is red.

Q : Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes.

Q: What do SD models have, that caught your attention and inspired you to collect?

A: Sangokuden kits and SD Action Figures.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: BB #148 SD Wing Gundam, it’s rare nowadays. And you can see the persona from it’s box that’s already a vintage.


Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: 12 Model kits and 2 SD Action Figures.

Q: And many more to come?

A: Yes! Hope to complete the SDAF Wing Gundams

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Do you have a dream SD kit or is there a kit that you really want? Or an SD kit that you hope Bandai would make?

A: Gouken Gundam Kirahagane Gokusai (Classic SD to HG kit).

Q: To finish things up, how about a word of inspiration to other SD fanatics?


Hobby is part of our lives. If you know to yourself that you love collecting, DON’T STOP. There are small things that can make you happy even if it’s just P50 or P100. Learn to appreciate even the smallest things, its worthwhile, trust me.



And thank you also Mr. Jim Philip Almiranez for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, SEPTEMBER 2015!

Hey there SD fans!! GBWC 2015 Philippines Qualifiers is right around the corner! And it’s a very busy time for those gunning for the trophy and also for those who just want to experience the event. Offcourse, we give all our support for all the SD entries for this year’s competition!!  And for this month’s SDnatic as well!!


Mr. Glen Mamorno!! 


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Great! And undeniably happy to be featured by the one and only SDDude! Atlast! A dream     come true and a check on my bucket list. 🙂

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I’m Glen Mamorno, 24 and a freelance graphic artist of hallmark and other secret companies producing mobile games, concerts and brands.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam?

A: Gundam Wing, specially the E-Waltz


Q: What did you like about it?

A: I really liked the MS of the series, though its pretty weird that at my age that time, i was really amazed on how could they’ve created a storyline close on what i believed would be possible if war breaks out in the future. (My imagination that time.)

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A:  Heero Yuuy and Zechs Marquise will always be a tie for me. I always see them as the Yin and Yang of the series, since they both fight for peace, though they took different paths upon achieving it. (And another thing is, one was a little bit of a psychopath black panther, and the other was a well tamed white tiger on a cage).


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Gundam Nataku!


Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A:  When I eventually ran into the anime Gundam Build Fighters. I was just amazed on the concept that your hard earned and built gunpla can also go unto battle and eventually enjoy camaraderie.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A:  Since grade 5 (first gunpla built) stopped and start again last 2013

Q: What was your very first kit?

A: HG 1/100 Nataku

Q: Why did you chose that model?

A: I was so amazed by chinese zodiacs by that time, and the dragon was the most powerful of them all. I think that was the main reason why I really love Nataku.

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes! Absolutely!

Q: What made you fall in love with SD models?

A: The gimmicks and the details. I really love painting them! Especially the BB Legend and Sangokuden lines. (Really like the old era x gundam theme)

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Actually, all of my hard earned and painted kits like my Full Armor Knight Gundam (crimson themed) Its my first official Entry for a local contest which was GMKC2015 and first time Painting a kit Out of the box.

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Koumei from Brave Battle Warriors
Its my 2nd time painting an SD kits though with such good details of dragon carving on each armor pieces which I really like the most!

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Puchi Bear Guy (kitbashed with an SD Knight Gundam) called Blood Knight which was my winning Entry on a local group contest on a kitbashed category. This was also my 1st time painting a heavy weathered SD and I really loved the outcome.

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Lastly, my GBWC2015 entry SD Musha Victory. This is also my 1st time doing an SD kit with a diorama. It’s still unfinished though.


Q: So far, how many babies SD kits do you have?

A: 70+ maybe?! (Mostly Sangokuden line) Cant count them since i recently aqcuired some.

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Wow, that’s a lot.

Q: And more to come in the future?

A:  Yes! Absolutely!

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q: How about a dream SD kit?

A: SD Nataku of course! 😉

Q: What would you want it to be?

A: BB Legend/Sangokuden themed

Q: Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: Yes! That’s the MG Pearl Mirror Coating Wing Zero Custom! The holy grail of the Wing series line for me! 🙂

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


To all SD fans out there! Either you’re unto gunpla or other models, just keep it up! Keep building! Keep collecting! As long as you enjoy the hobby go for it! But take cautions, just know your limits. Its not the quantity that makes us (modellers, builders and collectors) complete at all times, it will always be the effort you exert on building a good kit! Everything we do in our kits also reflect the way we do things on our daily life, so be patient, be meticulous, be clean and neat, be organized and most of all, be HAPPY in everything that you do! Keep sharing not only your wips, But also the knowledge and joy of building one! Also remember that there’s a thin line between hobbies and priorities, so when times come, its always ok to leave the hobby for the most important ones! Hobby will always be there ready for our comeback.  Lastly, I would really like to commend everyone out there who’s unto modelling! Kudos to all of us!

Thank you SD DUDE! More Power to you!


And thank you also Mr. Glen Mamorno for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude


SDnatic of the month, AUGUST 2015!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a while. It was a very busy month for this SD Dude, but still, we didn’t forget those who love SD Gundams!!


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Especially this guy, who, despite not feeling well at that time, still glady agreed to do an interview. So, let us welcome this month’s SDnatic!

Mr. Cid Constantino!!


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: it’s an honor to be a SDnatic of the month because not everyone get a chance to be chosen by you guys, im so thankful you chose me as the SDnatic of august

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Im Cid Constantino, Age:unknown, Im a culinary student, I like Robots and Video games, yes Im a gamer also, and i like SD gundam 🙂

Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: Gundam series introduced me to the gundam world is Gundam Wing. yeah! I always watched them every afternoon when i was i kid, so thats why it’s hard not to like them and they have the best intro hehehe!

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: my favorite gundam character would be…Quatre Raberba Winner. Why Quatre because out of all of the Gundam Pilots, Quatre seems to be the most well-adjusted of the group, generally displaying a kind, humble personality, and he dsnt like to kill enemies.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock

When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: it started when i was grade four, my bestpal brought his SD wing zero at school and he said “uy may gundam wing nako (hey, I have Gundam Wing already)” and i was like ” wow ikaw na si Heero ah! san ka nakabili nyan, bibili din ako. (Wow, now you’re Heero, where did you bought it? im gonna get one too.)” ” haha (envy)

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: i started building gunpla when i was grade six. I always save my money just to buy kit every month sometimes every other month 🙂

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: yes i remember it clearly it was a SD XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock! Why that model? because gundam wing series motivate me to buy that SD sandrock hahaha and im so envy with my bestpal hahah

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: YES ever since!

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: because SD gunpla are cute but at same time they are badass design robots with awsome gimiks and cool weapons thats why i love SD gunpla haha

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: this is one hard question.. I think my favorite is Nu Gundam. I like the color combination, articulation is great more posing moves and more weapon like the cannon and fin funnels gimik is good!

Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: i have 59 SD models 🙂

Q: And many more to come?

A: yes many more SD to come! Im excited for the SD ex-standard haha

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: it would be great if they will have a remake or remaster of WING SERIES From model 1 to model 2 all MS 🙂

Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Cid: Just keep building, experiment beause gundam is freedom and also never forget your responsibilities.


And thank you also Mr. Cid for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, JULY 2015!

There’s been an uproar for Gundams fans this July as the new Gundam series was revealed, the G-Tekketsu, and for us SDfans, all we want is an SD release of it! But here’s another reason for commotion this month, the SDnatic of the month for July!!

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Who owns all this goodies??

It’s none other than Mr. Olan Manguera!!


Q: Its a great honor to have Mr. Olan, here with us. So, how does it feel to be featured as SDnatic of the month??

A: First and foremost, I would like to thank you, sir SD Dude for surprising me to be featured on your blog, it feels so good and exciting at the same time, that I would be able to share my love of SD’s…

Q: Can you share to us, who Olan is? is?

A: my name is Olan Manguera, 26, residing at Quezon City, and currently working as a Sales Staff in a top leading-well known Music Store. 🙂

Q: What Gundam series brought you to the world of Gundam and why?

A: Way back when I was in elementary, i got hooked on watching the Gundam Wing and G-Gundam series on GMA7. I remember, after school, I always hurry to arrive home just to catch the series, and since that, my love of gundam started. And in 2012, after a long time, (due to being busy growing old,) I got hooked once again to a Gundam series, which led me to start building gunplas…and it’s the Gundam 00.

Q: Who is your favorite Gundam character? What did you like about him/her?

A: Because im a big fan of Gundam 00, i would choose Setsuna F. Seiei as my favorite one. Why? Because I like the way he fought, his maneuvering ability, his style, his quietness, his dedication to the private sector he serves, and the way how mysterious he seems. (coz I can relate my self to him hehe :3)


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit? –

A: Setsuna Seiei’s MS: Exia, 00 Raiser, QuanTa


Q: Let’s talk about Gunpla. When did you start Gunpla building?

A: One day in 2012, while browsing (with my brother) at the 168 mall, something’s caught our attention when we passed by on this store that sells anime figures and other toy collections. we stopped and looked for awhile, then these cuties amazed me, and so i grabbed four of them… it’s the gashapon-like, fix figuration G-Generation.(don’t know exactly their line) :3


Then the first gunpla I built was the HG 00 Gundam,

Q: How long have you been building Gunpla?
A: I started 2012, so it’s been 3years! 🙂
Q: What was you very first kit and why did you choose that model?
A: My very first kit was the HG 00 Gundam, (ain’t no doubt to ask me why, im a 00 Gundam fan!) 🙂
Then my very first SD was the SD Alex. Out from nowhere, I just picked it up, (while strolling around
to this toy store) just for a try and due to my curiosity, how it looks like when its built. and after
spending 30mins of building it, i was so fascinated by the outcome, since then, I got addicted to the
SD line. Following my SD Alex with SD God Gundam, SD Shining, SD Wing, SD 00, SD QanT, and
so on, and so on… till they become like these:

Q : Are you an SD fan?

A: Proud to say YES!

Q: What do SD models have, that caught your attention and inspired you to collect?

A: Since we have different words of expression on how to define them, I only got two words for this: CUTENESS OVERLOAD! 🙂

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: My favorite of all is the SD QanT, (though the kit got some issues), I like it very much because of the way it looks, its weapon, its shield, and especially the green parts )

Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: So far i got… 60+ SD’s, most of them are Sangokuden Brave Battle Warrior kits.:)

Q: And many more to come?

A: Sure of it! 🙂



Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Do you have a dream SD kit or is there a kit that you really want? Or an SD kit that you hope Bandai would make?

A: I wish bandai would make an SD of gundam Harute, Raphael, Zabanya, and I do hope they would remake the SD Exia, 00 Raiser, and QuanT.

Q: To finish things up, how about a word of inspiration to other SD fanatics?


To all my fellow SD collectors, just keep it up! No matter what they say about our hobby, chin up and say this to them: “wele keyo peke kung nangengelekte kemi ng genito, naneneod lang keyo” (hehe pabebe haha) seriosly, dont mind them if they’re trying to throw an annoying words on you, for they dont how much pleasure these SD’s gives us… just influence them instead! hehe 🙂 Peace out!


Again, many thanks to you sir SD Dude! For giving me a shot to your blog! more power! and God Bless! :

And thank you also Mr. Olan Manguera for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, JUNE 2015!

We are half way through the year, and the SDnatics are growing by the numbers! Now the time has come for the SDnatic for the month of JUNE! He may be a busy guy but we are really grateful for the time and effort he gave us. This man truly has a soft side for SD kits.


The man with a big heart for SD, Mr. Icko Cayetano!!!


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: I’m humbled to be feature in your blog, finally a part of the SDnatic

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I’m Icko Cayetano, age still in the calendar, currently working in Malaysia as a Engineering Designer/Drafter.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam? What did you like about it?

A: Though I miss most episodes Gundam Wing and Gundam G episodes in the 90’s because classes end at 4:30pm. But then came SD Gundam Force that is shown every sunday morning. I really love the human-sized gundam and kid-size zaku-zaku. also the great musha battle which features hundreds of musha MS.


Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Definitely Fumina Hoshino, she gave SD a new life in a regular gundam anime. I think some collectors became interested in SD gundam because of her.


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: I really like SD Winning Gundam, the way it supports the Burning and Lightning Gundam.


Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: I’m actually a motorized zoid collector, but one day I went to SM North Edsa and instead of finding a zoids I found a huge stock of SD Gundam and then I tried one because its on sale Php250.00

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: May 2009

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: its the Strike Freedom Gundam, I just happened to remember the kit from Gundam SEED aired in ABS-CBN


Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: I’m not a fan, I’m a FANATIC!! 🙂

Q: What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: I really like the small details, the gimmicks, the tonnage of spare parts, also you can build an army.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: SD Gunpanzer, The biggest SD Gundam in existence. Big SD have a huge place in my heart.


Q: So far, how many babies SD kits do you have?

A: Not to brag but around 400 (SD BB, BBW, SDX, Ganso, GG, Chibi, Flexiton)

Wow, that’s a lot. And more to come in the future?

Talkin’ like a real SD fan! (picture shows about half)


Q: How about a dream SD kit? What would you want it to be? Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: I would just like Bandai to produce more non-gundam MS from the TV series, AGE, GBF, GBF Try never have a non-gundam SD.

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


– Terima Kasih #SDDude for featuring me and my collection.

– SDFanatics, collecting and modifying SD gundam is fun. But remember basic needs comes first. You can be a collector, a modeller, anyone you want. Don’t listen if someone told you “KOLEKTOR KA LANG” (you’re just a collector), We have different priorities and plans.

Never Go with the flow, always follow your heart!!


Thank you also Mr. Icko for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude