Tag Archives: SD Gundam

SD EX-001 RX-78-2

SD fans! I know there is a question that keeps on lingering in our minds this past few months. And that is, “will the EX-STANDARD live up or even exceed SD and Gunpla fans’ standards??


Well, it really depends on you, as a collector or builder, as each of us might have different or similar preferences. Also, each kit is different from the other even if they belong to a certain line, which means, articulation, gimmicks, and level of detail may vary. So what’s new in this SD EX-001 RX-78-2 ??

First of is its proportion and scale. With the head smaller and limbs longer, the whole kit looks slimmer. Almost like the NX Edgestyle line. Cool?


But, as you can see with the back shot that the legs are hollow from behind. The head/helment can’t be swapped anymore, as it uses old SD technology where the face mask is fused together with the head mold. Besides from that, details are a lot better.


Lots of scribed panel lines! The level of detail is amazing. Are those pistons? Yes, they are!


Just look at that arm and leg.


Backpack looks good too. Specially the boosters.


Though the red part on the waist is just stickers, and it even doesn’t go all the way back. So as the chest vents, just stickers.


One of the selling point of the EX-STANDARD is its compatibility with HG parts, and so, the shield is on an HG scale. The white and yellow parts are stickers.


And the Rifle. Added panel detail but less color.


You can mount, both Shield and Rifle at the back.


Beam Saber, added details to its hilt, which is not really visible when its being held.


Articulation is a lot better though, thanks to its proportion.


Yeah! Its more posable. Oh, I almost forgot. The EX-STANDARD line uses the same “PEGS” as the recent SD releases. (GBF, GBFT, BB Legends…) so more customization for builders.


Pose away!!



SD EX ver. and Anime Color ver. RX-78-2!! The Stylish and the Cuteness!!


In its whole, the SD EX presents more detailed SD kits. Better articulation because of the propotion. Compatibility for both HG and previous SD line but has limited color detail due to lack of color seperated parts. And yeah, stickers!

Builders would enjoy this kit, but I can’t say the same for collectors or fans who doesn’t customize kits.

So does it stand up to your standards?? Well you do love SD don’t yah!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude


SD-9071A “Kurenai Musha” Red Warrior Amazing

Hey SD fans!! It’s been a hell of a week for Gundam fans as the latest Gundam series ” Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans” has just aired it’s first episode, and back here, the GBWC2015 Philippines Qualifiers!! I’ll be featuring the SD entries but for now, let’s just focus on this gal!!


The “Kurenai Musha” Red Warrior Amazing!! And she is amazing!!! Why she? well…


Because of the hair! Hah! And it’s made by Lady Kawaguchi! 🙂 Gotta love the kit’s details though!!


The Hair…


A few color separated parts would have made a big difference, I mean the kit looks Red and Yellow bare.  Just look at the Wheel Armor… well at least the gimmicks are good!


The Hyper Bazooka …


…which can be switched to a Gatling Gun. Also, it can be placed either on the left or the right.


And the articulation of the Hyper Bazooka.


It also has a pair of Kunai! Those are detailed by stickers by the way.


And its main weapon, the Famed Sword “Beniaoi”  the sticker is not bad, but a bit tricky.


Lastly, the Musha Cross Cannon, formed from the combination of the backpack, the hyper bazooka, wheel armor, shoulder armor and part of the head armor.


Oh, almost forgot, the trademark “Kawaguchi Shades”  (I just decided to call it that 😉 )


And the kits articulation? Well its a bit restricted, specially when the Hyper Bazooka is attached and with the Wheel Armors too.


Well, to sum it all up, the only cons for this kit would be that It looks really bare even with the stickers, but then again, the kit’s base color is red. Also, maybe its because of the ball joints that recent SD kits, like this, have this restricted feel, and at times, joints gets loose. Pros? The gimmicks, the panel details, its fun to build. A few panel lining, and it will look good overall.


Definitely get this kit! Or her!! 😉

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SXDXG Gundam!

SD fans! I really wanted to do this review for a long time, it’s just that its’ really, uhm… tiring to build a kit over and over and over… y’know… that 3 headed dragon mobile armor!! Yes, it’s the SxDxG Gundam, “Snibal-Drago-Gira”. Another old gimmick returns for the SD!


The kit comes with each weapon of the 3 SDG-R units and can just swap out parts.


Details is good for the individual units. Just a lot of green for me though.

the back details as well…


Articulation is limited, which means limited poses.


SDG-R1 Snibal Gundam.


SDG-R2 Dragonagel Gundam.

SDG-R3 Giracanon Gundam.


You can get all three in a single kit,


but you will need 3 kits to form SxDxG gundam!


Well, about this form, it really depends on you whether you’ll like it or not. For me, I like the details of the main head, and it really looks good. The rest… pointless…


Its’ really hard to pass it as a dragon. And like a fellow SDnatic said, “Rush Engineering”. I totally agree.


Dragon form articulation is bad.


I know how hard it is to fit the kits weapons and parts for the dragon form, and I admit that it is made cleverly but it’s not visually good. It would have been better if bandai made a seperate part for the dragon form.


Judgement! Well, the kit as an individual is pretty good. Details and gimmick. Dragon form, its up to your taste… really! Articulation for both is bad. And, well building the same kit over and over tends to be… uh.. I’ll leave it at that.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

LGZ-91 Lightning Gundam

Lightning has struck! And it came quick! Shocking everyone in its’ path. Visually shocking, that is.


We have the Lightning Gundam in our midst. I was really excited when this kit came out, and it doesn’t dissappoint. Here’s why…


Details are great, the kit really looks nice. A few parts needs to be painted to be color correct but it isn’t much to be noticed. I just don’t like the use of stickers (again) on its’ V-fin. (but then, I think bandai wants us to use gundam markers to replace the stickers)


As for the gimmicks, the kit comes with a Beam Rifle.


A Shield.


And the Lightning Back Weapon System! (yes, it comes with the SD kit unlike the HG counterpart).


It can also attach on the Beam Rifle.


The Lightning Gundam can mount the Back Weapon System as a sub-flight unit as well.


Ofcourse, one of my favorite gimmick of the Lightning Gundam , its’ flight mode!!


The Burning Gundam can mount the Lightning Gundam while in flight mode! Just like on the show!!


And the Winning Launcher!!


That’s Team Try Fighters’ combination!!

The kits’ articulation is okay. You can pose it well, but not much like the previous gen kits.


Overall, the kit looks stunning and with fine details. Articulation is great, but what the kit offers most is its gimmicks! The flight mode is superb, surely the kits’ selling point and the fact that it completes the Try Fighters Team.

If you love the Gundam Build Fighters Try series, and probably already bought the Build Burning and the Winning Gundams, you already know what to do.

Get this kit!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD-237S Star Winning Gundam

SD Fans! Last time we had the Winning Gundam, and just when you think things can’t get any better, the Star Winning Gundam was born into existence! And what it has, is something that made the Gunpla community go wild!! It re-introduced an old gimmick for SDs, the conversion of SD to an HG model. Yep, that’s right!! So let’s get it started!!


Star Winning Gundam SD mode.


Things are a bit packed into the SD form with all the extra parts and stuff, but that’s what we like with SDs… its got everything!! 😉

Beam Machine Gun/ Mega Blade


The Guard Bits/ Star Cross


The head can transform into a Core Fighter!


The  Core Booster.


And together with the Star Funnels, the Mega Core Booster.


SD mode details is really great, though..


…the green gem stone like parts are just stickers, and we know stickers don’t look good when they get old. Why can’t they just made it like the star cross blades?

Articulation in SD form is limited due to bulky parts.


And in this picture, the Star Funnels aren’t even attached.

Now, Autobots! Transform and… oops!
I mean, the SD to HG conversion!!


I may have skipped a few steps, but the kit do come with a manual yknow??  😉

Details in HG are also great! It looks great as an HG!


Specially the head, the Gundams face!


The only problem is that, the conversion is great, but its range of movement is sacrificed. Just think of old school HG articulation.


Hard to balance as well.


Verdict?? Very good details despite the stickers. Articulation is average, both SD and HG mode. But what is impressive in this kit is its gimmicks! From backpack funnels, weapons to different core fighter modes, just let your imagination run wild!

This kit is in the books, definitely a must have for SD fans, and even Gunpla enthusiast!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD-237 Winning Gundam

SD fans!! This SD kit has got to be one of the fan favorites, and, the SD kit that introduced how cool SD is for the new generation.

Its the Winning Gundam!!


Packed with lots of gimmicks, this kit clearly defines what an SD should be. Unbound by logic and surpasses imagination. Let’s take a closer look!


The Radome Shield/ Buzz Saw. The saw is hidden under the shield. Also, the shield can collect data when used as radome during core booster mode.



Beam Machine Gun.


And the Beam Bow Gun.


One of the selling point of this kit is that it can transform itself into a flying unit. I know, its not the first SD to do it but, the way it transforms is what is truly awesome, the head actually converts into a core fighter!!


With the other parts attached, it transforms into a core booster.


It also has the Winning Launchers, a power up part for the Lightning Gundam.


Which can also attach to the core fighter.


The Winning Gundam is also equipped with a power up part for the Burning Gundam, the Winning Knuckle. These two power up parts is what the Winning Road is all about.


As for details? Its good, but has a lot of stickers to color some parts.


Articulation is limited due to the kit being bulky and the parts restrict’s the kits range of motion. It is bit bigger than the usual SD.


This kit is clearly an SD for this era. The gimmicks are very good!! Details are nice. A bit less articulation which limits its posability, but still can look awesome!! And to sum it all up….

A kit specially made for us SD fans!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD Dude is back!!

SD fans!! It’s been a while since my last post. I hope you missed me. Here I was, excited to review a couple of kits, but, we had a technical problem, thus the delay. And mainly because of this guy!


It’s still a work in progress but Its gonna be the “RX-Du D3-SD”, the official gundam of SD Dude. ^_^

We have a lot in-store for you SD fans this May, including the stuff for last month, April.

Here are some of it…


SD Dude is definitely back!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam

Last week we had the GUNDAM. Now we get to see its’ beefed-up version, the “Perfect Gundam“!!


This kit is a Generation Neo version, and one of the best there is. And, probably why they released a 30th anniversary kit based on the Perfect Gundam.

The kit has a lot to offer. Let’s start off with its’ gimmicks, its heavy armor and equipments.

Face armor.

Personally I really don’t like the face armor. It feels unecessary. But that’s just me.

Double Barrel Hand Beam Gun.

Its Shield, with details of beam sabers and drop mines.

The 360mm Rocket gun/Beam Cannon.


Back pack and Propellant tank.

And the Beam Saber.


Details are good. Panel lines’ gonna make the kit a lot better. A few paint detailing be good as well. (Sorry for the numb marks on this kit. Its an old kit and built when I was still… a noob?)


And like the Alex kit, it has its own original mech. The G-Carrier!


It lacks detail, but with the full armor equipment on, you wouldn’t really notice.


As for the articulation, Generation Neo kits are known to have good range of movement. Though putting on the armor reduces its posability.


A Generation Neo kit, its details and articulation is good. Jampacked with gimmicks plus a new mech. The “Perfect Gundam” is a very nice kit to have. Comparing it with the 30th Anniversary Anime Color Ver., both base models are the same, only difference is the color, (duh), though the latest model have decals.


Grab one when you see one!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

RX-78-2 Gundam

This is where it all started! The grandaddy of all gundams! This is “the GUNDAM”!

The RX-78-2!!


This is the 30th anniversary/Anime color version of the RX-78-2. This kit is a recent release, and its model is obviously from the Perfect Gundam kit, which made me really happy and a bit sad. Meaning, its the same kit, just stripped of its’ armor but a few improvements as well. I’ll do a review of the Perfect Gundam later for comparison. For now, let see what this kit have for us SD fans.


It only has a few gimmicks/weapons. It doesn’t have a detachable core fighter, and I really wish it had. ^_^ 

It has its Beam Rifle.


The shield. Its front is detailed using stickers.


And the Beam Saber.


Details are very nice. I really like its new color. Greyish! And its shade of blue! Plus, there’s a surprise…


The kit comes with decals!! Though I haven’t applied it yet, im really sure that with this, the kit will definitely gonna be awesome.


The arculation and range of motion is really good.


Pose away!!


Overall verdict? The RX-78-2 is just simply magnificent. Details are awesome (with the decals), articulation is great. And it has the presence that says, “I am the GUNDAM”!


Definitely a must have!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

April is the month for Gundam!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a busy week for me as April is when we here in our country, observe the lenten season. But the month of April has another significance, especially for gundam fans. You do know what it is right?

April 7, 1979, the premiere of “Mobile Suit Gundam”. The very first gundam series! And with that, I have these kits for this April.


Do you see the difference? ^_^

We have the Winning Gundam and Star Winning Gundam as well.

So do look forward for this April!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude