Tag Archives: SD Dude


Hey there SD fans! Its been a while since the SD Ex-Standard came out, and its’ been a love and hate for the SD line among builders and fans. This is just normal as each person’s tastes varies. But for those who are still confused why some fans hate or love these SD EX kits, and for those who still can’t make up their minds if they’re gonna get an SD EX kit, well, I hope this review can help you.


We have the SD EX EXIA and the SD EXIA!! Two SD kits, generations apart, side by side. Both are out-of-the box and haven’t been customized.Now let us explore both kits.



Like other SD EX, hollow back legs…


but the kit’s details are awesome!!


Stickers for addittional details is a lot better compared to previous SD EX kits. The green round parts of the head, chest and legs are stickers unlike the old SD EXIA‘s clear green parts.


We have the GN Shield.


The GN Sword.



The GN Short and Long Blades,


and a few gimmicks.


Articulation is superb, just like all SD EX kits are.


Now, the SD EXIA!!


You can see that the old kit doesn’t have a hollow leg and makes you wonder why the SD EX back leg is hollow.


The old kit lacks details and stickers are few, compared to the SD EX version. But the round green parts looks much better.


The GN Shield lacks stickers, just a plain blue, but more details can be seen.


Same goes for the GN Sword, as it lacks color.


It also has the GN Short and Long blades, but it can’t combine. The color is off too. (why blue?)


This gimmick though, is one that we truly miss on the SD EX version. The GN Drive can be pulled off and that clear green color which kinda gives off a glow.


The articulation is different for this kit.


Its’ arms doesn’t bend. The whole arm is a single piece.


And thus limiting the kit’s range of motion.


Both kits are a must-have and after a few comparisons here and there, we hope that this helped answer a few questions for us SD fans. Both kits have their respective charms, and as an SD fan, maybe we were hoping that, it would have been nice to combine it in a single kit. But still, at the end, we just love SD!! The more SD the merrier!! 😀

Till the next kit,
SD Dude



SD EX-001 RX-78-2

SD fans! I know there is a question that keeps on lingering in our minds this past few months. And that is, “will the EX-STANDARD live up or even exceed SD and Gunpla fans’ standards??


Well, it really depends on you, as a collector or builder, as each of us might have different or similar preferences. Also, each kit is different from the other even if they belong to a certain line, which means, articulation, gimmicks, and level of detail may vary. So what’s new in this SD EX-001 RX-78-2 ??

First of is its proportion and scale. With the head smaller and limbs longer, the whole kit looks slimmer. Almost like the NX Edgestyle line. Cool?


But, as you can see with the back shot that the legs are hollow from behind. The head/helment can’t be swapped anymore, as it uses old SD technology where the face mask is fused together with the head mold. Besides from that, details are a lot better.


Lots of scribed panel lines! The level of detail is amazing. Are those pistons? Yes, they are!


Just look at that arm and leg.


Backpack looks good too. Specially the boosters.


Though the red part on the waist is just stickers, and it even doesn’t go all the way back. So as the chest vents, just stickers.


One of the selling point of the EX-STANDARD is its compatibility with HG parts, and so, the shield is on an HG scale. The white and yellow parts are stickers.


And the Rifle. Added panel detail but less color.


You can mount, both Shield and Rifle at the back.


Beam Saber, added details to its hilt, which is not really visible when its being held.


Articulation is a lot better though, thanks to its proportion.


Yeah! Its more posable. Oh, I almost forgot. The EX-STANDARD line uses the same “PEGS” as the recent SD releases. (GBF, GBFT, BB Legends…) so more customization for builders.


Pose away!!



SD EX ver. and Anime Color ver. RX-78-2!! The Stylish and the Cuteness!!


In its whole, the SD EX presents more detailed SD kits. Better articulation because of the propotion. Compatibility for both HG and previous SD line but has limited color detail due to lack of color seperated parts. And yeah, stickers!

Builders would enjoy this kit, but I can’t say the same for collectors or fans who doesn’t customize kits.

So does it stand up to your standards?? Well you do love SD don’t yah!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude


SD-9071A “Kurenai Musha” Red Warrior Amazing

Hey SD fans!! It’s been a hell of a week for Gundam fans as the latest Gundam series ” Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans” has just aired it’s first episode, and back here, the GBWC2015 Philippines Qualifiers!! I’ll be featuring the SD entries but for now, let’s just focus on this gal!!


The “Kurenai Musha” Red Warrior Amazing!! And she is amazing!!! Why she? well…


Because of the hair! Hah! And it’s made by Lady Kawaguchi! 🙂 Gotta love the kit’s details though!!


The Hair…


A few color separated parts would have made a big difference, I mean the kit looks Red and Yellow bare.  Just look at the Wheel Armor… well at least the gimmicks are good!


The Hyper Bazooka …


…which can be switched to a Gatling Gun. Also, it can be placed either on the left or the right.


And the articulation of the Hyper Bazooka.


It also has a pair of Kunai! Those are detailed by stickers by the way.


And its main weapon, the Famed Sword “Beniaoi”  the sticker is not bad, but a bit tricky.


Lastly, the Musha Cross Cannon, formed from the combination of the backpack, the hyper bazooka, wheel armor, shoulder armor and part of the head armor.


Oh, almost forgot, the trademark “Kawaguchi Shades”  (I just decided to call it that 😉 )


And the kits articulation? Well its a bit restricted, specially when the Hyper Bazooka is attached and with the Wheel Armors too.


Well, to sum it all up, the only cons for this kit would be that It looks really bare even with the stickers, but then again, the kit’s base color is red. Also, maybe its because of the ball joints that recent SD kits, like this, have this restricted feel, and at times, joints gets loose. Pros? The gimmicks, the panel details, its fun to build. A few panel lining, and it will look good overall.


Definitely get this kit! Or her!! 😉

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

NX Edgestyle OO Gundam & O Raiser!!

SD fans and Gundam 00 fans! Here it is!! The 00 Gundam and 0 Raiser NX Edgestyle set!!


This set is pure beauty!! Gotta love the details!! Here is the 0 Raiser unit!


The 00 Gundam with the GN Sword II!


The GN Sword II lacks color though…


Crossblades anyone??


A close-up look!


Admiring the details.


Pretty nice!




The GN Drives moves back and forth!!


Offcourse!! You can attach the GN Shields to the GN Drives, the Raiser at the back and we have the 00 Raiser Gundam!!


The figure suddenly becomes badass!!


This set definitely have a lot of gimmicks!! The GN Sword III, it’s green edge blade…


…which can be folded and converts into Rifle Mode!


Very posable, a definite characteristic of NX Edgestyle figures.


The GN Drives, GN Shield rotates.


A very impressive kit.


Well, what does it mean? Details, there are some parts that lack color but still good. Articulation is also good, the GN Drives limits the arm/shoulder rotation of the figure though. But what is important is that this set packs a lot of gimmicks! But then again, it should be just that for the price that you be paying. Either way, It’s a figure worth having! I mean, I did enjoy playing with it!! 😉

Till the next kit,

SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, SEPTEMBER 2015!

Hey there SD fans!! GBWC 2015 Philippines Qualifiers is right around the corner! And it’s a very busy time for those gunning for the trophy and also for those who just want to experience the event. Offcourse, we give all our support for all the SD entries for this year’s competition!!  And for this month’s SDnatic as well!!


Mr. Glen Mamorno!! 


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Great! And undeniably happy to be featured by the one and only SDDude! Atlast! A dream     come true and a check on my bucket list. 🙂

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I’m Glen Mamorno, 24 and a freelance graphic artist of hallmark and other secret companies producing mobile games, concerts and brands.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam?

A: Gundam Wing, specially the E-Waltz


Q: What did you like about it?

A: I really liked the MS of the series, though its pretty weird that at my age that time, i was really amazed on how could they’ve created a storyline close on what i believed would be possible if war breaks out in the future. (My imagination that time.)

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A:  Heero Yuuy and Zechs Marquise will always be a tie for me. I always see them as the Yin and Yang of the series, since they both fight for peace, though they took different paths upon achieving it. (And another thing is, one was a little bit of a psychopath black panther, and the other was a well tamed white tiger on a cage).


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Gundam Nataku!


Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A:  When I eventually ran into the anime Gundam Build Fighters. I was just amazed on the concept that your hard earned and built gunpla can also go unto battle and eventually enjoy camaraderie.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A:  Since grade 5 (first gunpla built) stopped and start again last 2013

Q: What was your very first kit?

A: HG 1/100 Nataku

Q: Why did you chose that model?

A: I was so amazed by chinese zodiacs by that time, and the dragon was the most powerful of them all. I think that was the main reason why I really love Nataku.

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes! Absolutely!

Q: What made you fall in love with SD models?

A: The gimmicks and the details. I really love painting them! Especially the BB Legend and Sangokuden lines. (Really like the old era x gundam theme)

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Actually, all of my hard earned and painted kits like my Full Armor Knight Gundam (crimson themed) Its my first official Entry for a local contest which was GMKC2015 and first time Painting a kit Out of the box.

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Koumei from Brave Battle Warriors
Its my 2nd time painting an SD kits though with such good details of dragon carving on each armor pieces which I really like the most!

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Puchi Bear Guy (kitbashed with an SD Knight Gundam) called Blood Knight which was my winning Entry on a local group contest on a kitbashed category. This was also my 1st time painting a heavy weathered SD and I really loved the outcome.

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Lastly, my GBWC2015 entry SD Musha Victory. This is also my 1st time doing an SD kit with a diorama. It’s still unfinished though.


Q: So far, how many babies SD kits do you have?

A: 70+ maybe?! (Mostly Sangokuden line) Cant count them since i recently aqcuired some.

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Wow, that’s a lot.

Q: And more to come in the future?

A:  Yes! Absolutely!

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q: How about a dream SD kit?

A: SD Nataku of course! 😉

Q: What would you want it to be?

A: BB Legend/Sangokuden themed

Q: Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: Yes! That’s the MG Pearl Mirror Coating Wing Zero Custom! The holy grail of the Wing series line for me! 🙂

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


To all SD fans out there! Either you’re unto gunpla or other models, just keep it up! Keep building! Keep collecting! As long as you enjoy the hobby go for it! But take cautions, just know your limits. Its not the quantity that makes us (modellers, builders and collectors) complete at all times, it will always be the effort you exert on building a good kit! Everything we do in our kits also reflect the way we do things on our daily life, so be patient, be meticulous, be clean and neat, be organized and most of all, be HAPPY in everything that you do! Keep sharing not only your wips, But also the knowledge and joy of building one! Also remember that there’s a thin line between hobbies and priorities, so when times come, its always ok to leave the hobby for the most important ones! Hobby will always be there ready for our comeback.  Lastly, I would really like to commend everyone out there who’s unto modelling! Kudos to all of us!

Thank you SD DUDE! More Power to you!


And thank you also Mr. Glen Mamorno for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude


SDnatic of the month, AUGUST 2015!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a while. It was a very busy month for this SD Dude, but still, we didn’t forget those who love SD Gundams!!


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Especially this guy, who, despite not feeling well at that time, still glady agreed to do an interview. So, let us welcome this month’s SDnatic!

Mr. Cid Constantino!!


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: it’s an honor to be a SDnatic of the month because not everyone get a chance to be chosen by you guys, im so thankful you chose me as the SDnatic of august

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Im Cid Constantino, Age:unknown, Im a culinary student, I like Robots and Video games, yes Im a gamer also, and i like SD gundam 🙂

Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: Gundam series introduced me to the gundam world is Gundam Wing. yeah! I always watched them every afternoon when i was i kid, so thats why it’s hard not to like them and they have the best intro hehehe!

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: my favorite gundam character would be…Quatre Raberba Winner. Why Quatre because out of all of the Gundam Pilots, Quatre seems to be the most well-adjusted of the group, generally displaying a kind, humble personality, and he dsnt like to kill enemies.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock

When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: it started when i was grade four, my bestpal brought his SD wing zero at school and he said “uy may gundam wing nako (hey, I have Gundam Wing already)” and i was like ” wow ikaw na si Heero ah! san ka nakabili nyan, bibili din ako. (Wow, now you’re Heero, where did you bought it? im gonna get one too.)” ” haha (envy)

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: i started building gunpla when i was grade six. I always save my money just to buy kit every month sometimes every other month 🙂

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: yes i remember it clearly it was a SD XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock! Why that model? because gundam wing series motivate me to buy that SD sandrock hahaha and im so envy with my bestpal hahah

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: YES ever since!

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: because SD gunpla are cute but at same time they are badass design robots with awsome gimiks and cool weapons thats why i love SD gunpla haha

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: this is one hard question.. I think my favorite is Nu Gundam. I like the color combination, articulation is great more posing moves and more weapon like the cannon and fin funnels gimik is good!

Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: i have 59 SD models 🙂

Q: And many more to come?

A: yes many more SD to come! Im excited for the SD ex-standard haha

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: it would be great if they will have a remake or remaster of WING SERIES From model 1 to model 2 all MS 🙂

Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Cid: Just keep building, experiment beause gundam is freedom and also never forget your responsibilities.


And thank you also Mr. Cid for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

NX Edgestyle Wing Zero Custom EW ver!!

SD fans! Specially the wing fanboys and fan girls!! The day has finally arrived!!


Sorry for the pictures though… the wings doesn’t look good in white background. My apologies. I plan to re-shoot if I can.

Anyway, the figure still looks amazing!


Like the previous NX Edgestyle figures, the Wing NX Edgstyle brings the excellent quality of details.


Nice colors!


Detailed panel lines. Well some prefer to ink the panel lines to add accent.


Gotta love that trademark chest!

Gimmicks are kinda limited for the NX Edgestyle, but for the Wing, it’s pretty ok because It really doesn’t have that many to begin with.

The Beam Saber!


The ever popular Twin Buster Rifle!!


Rifle details are good, and a hand part to convert the rifles into the Twin Buster Rifle mode.


The clear Angel type Wings are excellent!!


It doesn’t blend well with my background, but still you can see the details..


As for articulation, the NX Edgestyle has the edge over SD kits because of its proportions.


So its more posable.


Target Locked!


The Verdict!! Like before, all the pros of an NX Edgestyle Figure, the details and articulations are awesome. The cons, one, which is less gimmick doesn’t apply for the Wing, but it is still pricey. So it is still up to you if you gonna get one or not, but if you’re a Wing Fan!! It’s a definite must have for your collection!!

Till the next kit,

SD Dude

SXDXG Gundam!

SD fans! I really wanted to do this review for a long time, it’s just that its’ really, uhm… tiring to build a kit over and over and over… y’know… that 3 headed dragon mobile armor!! Yes, it’s the SxDxG Gundam, “Snibal-Drago-Gira”. Another old gimmick returns for the SD!


The kit comes with each weapon of the 3 SDG-R units and can just swap out parts.


Details is good for the individual units. Just a lot of green for me though.

the back details as well…


Articulation is limited, which means limited poses.


SDG-R1 Snibal Gundam.


SDG-R2 Dragonagel Gundam.

SDG-R3 Giracanon Gundam.


You can get all three in a single kit,


but you will need 3 kits to form SxDxG gundam!


Well, about this form, it really depends on you whether you’ll like it or not. For me, I like the details of the main head, and it really looks good. The rest… pointless…


Its’ really hard to pass it as a dragon. And like a fellow SDnatic said, “Rush Engineering”. I totally agree.


Dragon form articulation is bad.


I know how hard it is to fit the kits weapons and parts for the dragon form, and I admit that it is made cleverly but it’s not visually good. It would have been better if bandai made a seperate part for the dragon form.


Judgement! Well, the kit as an individual is pretty good. Details and gimmick. Dragon form, its up to your taste… really! Articulation for both is bad. And, well building the same kit over and over tends to be… uh.. I’ll leave it at that.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, JUNE 2015!

We are half way through the year, and the SDnatics are growing by the numbers! Now the time has come for the SDnatic for the month of JUNE! He may be a busy guy but we are really grateful for the time and effort he gave us. This man truly has a soft side for SD kits.


The man with a big heart for SD, Mr. Icko Cayetano!!!


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: I’m humbled to be feature in your blog, finally a part of the SDnatic

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I’m Icko Cayetano, age still in the calendar, currently working in Malaysia as a Engineering Designer/Drafter.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam? What did you like about it?

A: Though I miss most episodes Gundam Wing and Gundam G episodes in the 90’s because classes end at 4:30pm. But then came SD Gundam Force that is shown every sunday morning. I really love the human-sized gundam and kid-size zaku-zaku. also the great musha battle which features hundreds of musha MS.


Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Definitely Fumina Hoshino, she gave SD a new life in a regular gundam anime. I think some collectors became interested in SD gundam because of her.


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: I really like SD Winning Gundam, the way it supports the Burning and Lightning Gundam.


Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: I’m actually a motorized zoid collector, but one day I went to SM North Edsa and instead of finding a zoids I found a huge stock of SD Gundam and then I tried one because its on sale Php250.00

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: May 2009

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: its the Strike Freedom Gundam, I just happened to remember the kit from Gundam SEED aired in ABS-CBN


Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: I’m not a fan, I’m a FANATIC!! 🙂

Q: What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: I really like the small details, the gimmicks, the tonnage of spare parts, also you can build an army.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: SD Gunpanzer, The biggest SD Gundam in existence. Big SD have a huge place in my heart.


Q: So far, how many babies SD kits do you have?

A: Not to brag but around 400 (SD BB, BBW, SDX, Ganso, GG, Chibi, Flexiton)

Wow, that’s a lot. And more to come in the future?

Talkin’ like a real SD fan! (picture shows about half)


Q: How about a dream SD kit? What would you want it to be? Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: I would just like Bandai to produce more non-gundam MS from the TV series, AGE, GBF, GBF Try never have a non-gundam SD.

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


– Terima Kasih #SDDude for featuring me and my collection.

– SDFanatics, collecting and modifying SD gundam is fun. But remember basic needs comes first. You can be a collector, a modeller, anyone you want. Don’t listen if someone told you “KOLEKTOR KA LANG” (you’re just a collector), We have different priorities and plans.

Never Go with the flow, always follow your heart!!


Thank you also Mr. Icko for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

LGZ-91 Lightning Gundam

Lightning has struck! And it came quick! Shocking everyone in its’ path. Visually shocking, that is.


We have the Lightning Gundam in our midst. I was really excited when this kit came out, and it doesn’t dissappoint. Here’s why…


Details are great, the kit really looks nice. A few parts needs to be painted to be color correct but it isn’t much to be noticed. I just don’t like the use of stickers (again) on its’ V-fin. (but then, I think bandai wants us to use gundam markers to replace the stickers)


As for the gimmicks, the kit comes with a Beam Rifle.


A Shield.


And the Lightning Back Weapon System! (yes, it comes with the SD kit unlike the HG counterpart).


It can also attach on the Beam Rifle.


The Lightning Gundam can mount the Back Weapon System as a sub-flight unit as well.


Ofcourse, one of my favorite gimmick of the Lightning Gundam , its’ flight mode!!


The Burning Gundam can mount the Lightning Gundam while in flight mode! Just like on the show!!


And the Winning Launcher!!


That’s Team Try Fighters’ combination!!

The kits’ articulation is okay. You can pose it well, but not much like the previous gen kits.


Overall, the kit looks stunning and with fine details. Articulation is great, but what the kit offers most is its gimmicks! The flight mode is superb, surely the kits’ selling point and the fact that it completes the Try Fighters Team.

If you love the Gundam Build Fighters Try series, and probably already bought the Build Burning and the Winning Gundams, you already know what to do.

Get this kit!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude