Tag Archives: BB Senshi

SD-237S Star Winning Gundam

SD Fans! Last time we had the Winning Gundam, and just when you think things can’t get any better, the Star Winning Gundam was born into existence! And what it has, is something that made the Gunpla community go wild!! It re-introduced an old gimmick for SDs, the conversion of SD to an HG model. Yep, that’s right!! So let’s get it started!!


Star Winning Gundam SD mode.


Things are a bit packed into the SD form with all the extra parts and stuff, but that’s what we like with SDs… its got everything!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Beam Machine Gun/ Mega Blade


The Guard Bits/ Star Cross


The head can transform into a Core Fighter!


Theย  Core Booster.


And together with the Star Funnels, the Mega Core Booster.


SD mode details is really great, though..


…the green gem stone like parts are just stickers, and we know stickers don’t look good when they get old. Why can’t they just made it like the star cross blades?

Articulation in SD form is limited due to bulky parts.


And in this picture, the Star Funnels aren’t even attached.

Now, Autobots! Transform and… oops!
I mean, the SD to HG conversion!!


I may have skipped a few steps, but the kit do come with a manual yknow??ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Details in HG are also great! It looks great as an HG!


Specially the head, the Gundams face!


The only problem is that, the conversion is great, but its range of movement is sacrificed. Just think of old school HG articulation.


Hard to balance as well.


Verdict?? Very good details despite the stickers. Articulation is average, both SD and HG mode. But what is impressive in this kit is its gimmicks! From backpack funnels, weapons to different core fighter modes, just let your imagination run wild!

This kit is in the books, definitely a must have for SD fans, and even Gunpla enthusiast!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD-237 Winning Gundam

SD fans!! This SD kit has got to be one of the fan favorites, and, the SD kit that introduced how cool SD is for the new generation.

Its the Winning Gundam!!


Packed with lots of gimmicks, this kit clearly defines what an SD should be. Unbound by logic and surpasses imagination. Let’s take a closer look!


The Radome Shield/ Buzz Saw. The saw is hidden under the shield. Also, the shield can collect data when used as radome during core booster mode.



Beam Machine Gun.


And the Beam Bow Gun.


One of the selling point of this kit is that it can transform itself into a flying unit. I know, its not the first SD to do it but, the way it transforms is what is truly awesome, the head actually converts into a core fighter!!


With the other parts attached, it transforms into a core booster.


It also has the Winning Launchers, a power up part for the Lightning Gundam.


Which can also attach to the core fighter.


The Winning Gundam is also equipped with a power up part for the Burning Gundam, the Winning Knuckle. These two power up parts is what the Winning Road is all about.


As for details? Its good, but has a lot of stickers to color some parts.


Articulation is limited due to the kit being bulky and the parts restrict’s the kits range of motion. It is bit bigger than the usual SD.


This kit is clearly an SD for this era. The gimmicks are very good!! Details are nice. A bit less articulation which limits its posability, but still can look awesome!! And to sum it all up….

A kit specially made for us SD fans!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam

Last week we had the GUNDAM. Now we get to see its’ beefed-up version, the “Perfect Gundam“!!


This kit is a Generation Neo version, and one of the best there is. And, probably why they released a 30th anniversary kit based on the Perfect Gundam.

The kit has a lot to offer. Let’s start off with its’ gimmicks, its heavy armor and equipments.

Face armor.

Personally I really don’t like the face armor. It feels unecessary. But that’s just me.

Double Barrel Hand Beam Gun.

Its Shield, with details of beam sabers and drop mines.

The 360mm Rocket gun/Beam Cannon.


Back pack and Propellant tank.

And the Beam Saber.


Details are good. Panel lines’ gonna make the kit a lot better. A few paint detailing be good as well. (Sorry for the numb marks on this kit. Its an old kit and built when I was still… a noob?)


And like the Alex kit, it has its own original mech. The G-Carrier!


It lacks detail, but with the full armor equipment on, you wouldn’t really notice.


As for the articulation, Generation Neo kits are known to have good range of movement. Though putting on the armor reduces its posability.


A Generation Neo kit, its details and articulation is good. Jampacked with gimmicks plus a new mech. The “Perfect Gundam” is a very nice kit to have. Comparing it with the 30th Anniversary Anime Color Ver., both base models are the same, only difference is the color, (duh), though the latest model have decals.


Grab one when you see one!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

RX-78-2 Gundam

This is where it all started! The grandaddy of all gundams! This is “the GUNDAM”!

The RX-78-2!!


This is the 30th anniversary/Anime color version of the RX-78-2. This kit is a recent release, and its model is obviously from the Perfect Gundam kit, which made me really happy and a bit sad. Meaning, its the same kit, just stripped of its’ armor but a few improvements as well. I’ll do a review of the Perfect Gundam later for comparison. For now, let see what this kit have for us SD fans.


It only has a few gimmicks/weapons. It doesn’t have a detachable core fighter, and I really wish it had. ^_^ย 

It has its Beam Rifle.


The shield. Its front is detailed using stickers.


And the Beam Saber.


Details are very nice. I really like its new color. Greyish! And its shade of blue! Plus, there’s a surprise…


The kit comes with decals!! Though I haven’t applied it yet, im really sure that with this, the kit will definitely gonna be awesome.


The arculation and range of motion is really good.


Pose away!!


Overall verdict? The RX-78-2 is just simply magnificent. Details are awesome (with the decals), articulation is great. And it has the presence that says, “I am the GUNDAM”!


Definitely a must have!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

April is the month for Gundam!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a busy week for me as April is when we here in our country, observe the lenten season. But the month of April has another significance, especially for gundam fans. You do know what it is right?

April 7, 1979, the premiere of “Mobile Suit Gundam”. The very first gundam series! And with that, I have these kits for this April.


Do you see the difference? ^_^

We have the Winning Gundam and Star Winning Gundam as well.

So do look forward for this April!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

RX-78NT-1 Gundam “Alex”

SD fans! We have another classic for this month, and its none other than the RX-78NT-1 a.k.a “Alex” Gundam.


This kit, although its old, has a lot to offer. Details are good, with or without paint or panel linings.



And its gimmicks are really fun! Especially the “Alex’s” signature weapon, the pair of 90mm Gatling gun.




Also, the Beam Saber and its Alex Shield.


The kit comes with the Chobam Armor, turning the “Alex” into RX-78NT-1FA, Full Armor!


Articulation is limited, and much less with the armor on, but details are still great.


And a surprise original mecha the “Chobam Tank”.


Personally, I really like this kit, and it’s just because of its Gatling Guns. ^_^ Even with the kit’s limited articulation, its details and gimmicks is enough to make you smile. A must grab for any SD fan and Gundam lover aswell.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

GF13-001NHII Master Gundam

We continue to heat up this month with another iconic mobile suit, the Master Gundam!!


What we have here SD fans is a Generation F version of the Master Gundam. And like the previous Generation F’s reviewed, same issues apply to this kit as well.

Minimal articulation. The hand and forearm is molded together.


And Generation F models is smaller than the latest SD release. It lacks legs, which is another reason for its limited articulation.


The Master Gundam has less gimmick, only its wing binders.


But, never-the-less, details is good.



Regrdless of its limited posability and size, the Master Gundam undoubtedly has its’ charm. With a large head, this somewhat brings an irresistable cuteness.


The Master Gundam is telling you, “come and get me!”. How can you say no?? Definitely get this kit!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

BG-011B Build Burning Gundam

Burn!! Burn!! Burn!! Yes! SD fans! It is the Build Burning Gundam!! Its awesome, its cool, its epic!!ย  And we sure hope that all of its goodness is well translated to its SD model kit version. Let’s find out!!


First, the kit doesn’t have much extra parts due to its design, which is slender and because it is a close combat unit, it doesn’t have a rifle, shield, cannons, even a beam saber as well, but it does have a couple of battle effect parts included in the kit. So what does it mean? The kit is reasonably cheap!!

It has only a few parts but the details are still amazing.


Can you see the blue parts? You have the option of either that blue or the orange stickers, which ever suits your taste, for the Build Burning. Blue for the normal state and orange for the assimilation state.


However, it would have been great if they made transparent blue and orange parts that can be snapfitted rather than using stickers.

Since its a close combat unit, and its’ pilot uses a lot of martial arts move, the kit should be able to handles different martial arts poses.



Optional hands for more poses.


It has good articulation but not as good as the Generation Neo Shining Gundam and God Gundam.

As for its gimmick, it has the battle effect parts!!


These effect parts brings the kit to life.


And make things interesting.


You can try out different battle effects combinations.


You can really enjoy the Build Burning. Play around with martial arts poses together with the battle effect parts. It really gets your imagination going. Details are very good, and it’s cheap!

A very nice kit to have. What are you waiting for?? Add it to your collection!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, MARCH 2015

SD fans! March is here! Let your hearts and soul burn-up like warriors!


And we kick-off this month with a dynasty warrior, a man with the burning passion for SD! Mr. Seig Fried!


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: First of all I Thank you for this great opportunity to be featured on your blog and I am fluttered to be chosen by yours trully “SD Dude” to be this month’s SDnatic.

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: Im Sieg Fried, a freelance game reviewer and also a SD Fanatic that can’t resist its cuteness!

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam? What did you like about it?

A: Besides Gundam Build Fighters, SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors really hooked me because by heart, I’m a Dynasty Warrior lover and found out that thereโ€™s a Gundam version of it… who wouldn’t be happy watching Dynasty Warriors characters in Gundam forms ๐Ÿ™‚

Q: Who is your favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Hands down, I’ll choose Archangel’s Executive Officer NATARLE BADGIRUEL simply because of her keen analytic judgement with swift decision making tactics and also her strong willed persona. And thus, everytime I say her last name, it simply just rhymes with “Bad-gurl!”

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: This is one though question but the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero stands high among the other that I like because of its cool entrance and most likely those Angel Wings, period.

Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: My story goes like this, one day I decided to revive my love of building Legos (after I’ve donated all my blocks to my former school in the Visayas Region that had been hit hard by a typhoon early 2014) when I encountered this strange looking box with a robot design that has this Angel Wings on it, the XXXG 00W0 Wing Gundam Zero. Then inside are small parts that is meant to be assembled – just like Lego – then the rest is history!
Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: I started building my first kit just this April of 2014

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero was my Love at first sight Gunpla kit. When I first glanced at those Angel Wings, my world suddenly stopped, just like being hypnotized and hearing a faint voice comming from the box that started calling your name ๐Ÿ™‚


Q: Are you an SD fan?


Q: What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: My love of SD awakened right after I watched the Series SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: All hands down to SD Wing Gundam Zero, a mini-me version of my very first MG XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero ๐Ÿ™‚


Another favorite!!


Q: So far, how many babies, SD kits do you have?

A: Right now I own 58 built SD’s, 13 unbuild including a Mega Size Ryuu Bi Gundam!

Wow, that’s a lot.

Q: And more to come in the future?

A: Significantly Y.E.S.

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q:How about a dream SD kit? What would you want it to be? Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A:To be honest, I really Love to own the “COMPLETE” SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors series line-up release! My dream SD Kits that surely will be just in my dreams! Nevertheless, the SD Zeong is a must for me to bundle it with the chant… Zieg (Sieg) Zeon!

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?

Seig Fried: First and foremost I greatfully Thank “SD Dude” for promoting the LOVE for SD! Despite their small size and odd proportions, little some Gunpla enthusiast know that SD kits’ details are superb specially ifย  you plan to customize it either by paint or any type of modifications or even just by simply building it Out-of the-Box!
Second, to my fellow builders, modelers, hobbiest and collectors, follow your own will. Buy and build to your own likings and prefered design, don’t be hooked on what is IN or what others have. Also keep in mind that the more experience you’ve learned (either it be good or bad) it all adds up on how you become better. Remember, “Gunpla is FREEDOM” according to Meijin Kawaguchi himself. Follow your prefered way.
Lastly I’ll leave you all with my favorite quote from the Disney Movie Meet the Robinsons, which I believe suits up best in our hobby… “JUST KEEP ON BUILDING!”


Thank you so much.


And thank you also Mr. Sieg Fried for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

GF13-017NJII GOD Gundam

SD fans, we are on the 2nd week of the love month!! We are featuring the mobile suits of the “King of Hearts” and last week we started with the Shining gundam. We now continue with the next mobile suit…

The God Gundam!!


This kit is a Generation Neo release, which means, its pretty good! It doesn’t have a lot of add-ons or extra equipments like rifles and shields, the suit is a melee fighter. But, it still has its’ gimmicks.

The God Gundam can change into hyper mode!!


Chest opens up…


The pair of God Slashers deploys…


The backpack unfolds…


The God Finger and spare hands for poses. And a beam saber.


Articulation is superb as well!! Perfect for the fighting poses, and the split pose!


Detail painting or panel lining is not required. It already has an amazing look.

The God Gundam overall is a superb kit, its’ details, articulation and gimmicks! Grab this kit when you get a chance!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude