Category Archives: Hobbies

SDnatic of the month, March 2016

SD fans! It’s a bit over due, and mostly my ISP is at fault but we have our SDnatic for the month of march 2016! YAY! As you all know, we feature individuals that loves SD gundams, from beginners to experts and others that show their love in more ways than one. Like this!

sdnatic comic

Pretty Awesome! right?  Now, who might this SDnatic be? Well, let’s give a warm welcome to…

Ms. Lee Ann Holubek


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: I was honestly suprised. I didn’t really expect to be chosen for something like that, it’s a nice suprise.


Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: I’m a student, gamer, comic artist, and amature translator that really loves SD Gundams.


Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: I think it was 00. I loved the battles the series had and I enjoyed many of the characters.


Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Hm…I’d have to say Cagalli Yula Athla because I admire her for being a strong leader in SEED by going out and fighting the enemy herself instead of staying in the back and watching.


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: It would have to be the Re-GZ. I have six different figures and models of it, and I plan to get more.



When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: I don’t remember exactly, I think when I first started watching Gundam I heard about model kits. I thought they looked cool and went to the local hobby shop and bought some.


Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: About December 2011-ish


Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: Ryotou (Ling Tong) Gundam. I built it because it was Sangokuden, and I was watching that at the time.



Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Absolutely!!


Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: The OVA SD Gundam Emergency Sortie Musha Knight Command was my gateway to the SD franchise. I loved the cute and cool designs of SDs as well as the suprisingly deep lore behind many of the series.


Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Knight Unicorn Gundam because I love the character, the design, and his backstory about being the timekeeper of the SD world.



Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: I have 68, not counting my 5 SDXs.

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Q: And many more to come?

A: Definitely!!


Now that is an SD fan!!


Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: I’d have to say either Crown Knight Freedom Gundam or Valkyrie Gundam Hazel from New Testament SD Gundam Gaiden.


Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Lee Ann:

Just keep building! The world of SD is always expanding so you’ll always find something great!



And thank you also Ms. Lee Ann Holubek for letting us know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond… If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,

SD Dudesdnatic march fansign