Monthly Archives: December 2015

SDnatic of the month, December 2015

Happy Holidays SD fans!! It’s been a great year for us as we got lots of great SD kits this year, including the latest SD line which is the SD Ex-standard!! Ofcourse, we also have our SDnatic of the month for December, and before the year ends, SD Dude has something special. One of the reasons why SD Dude exist is that, we would like to encourage people to try out this hobby.

And that is why, for this month, we have someone who is new to the hobby!! Let us all welcome…

Ms. Precious Chan

SDnatic dec2015

Q: We’re very ecstatic to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Very Happy

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: Im a cosplayer, gamer and now a gundam builder…

Q: Since your new to this hobby and gundam as well, what gundam series do you like or would like to watch if you haven’t seen any?

A: Hmm… any series as long as it is related to gundam o.o and I know I’ll enjoy to watch it.

Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A: My big brother Jeshiro.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: I forgot, but its only last month!

Q: What was your very first kit? Why did you chose that model?

A: SD Destiny Gundam ( I forgot my other kit ) I choose SD because it is my 1st time to build a gundam and my friend suggested it

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes!

Q: What made you fall inlove with SD models?

A: So cute 🙂 mini gundam

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q: How about a dream SD kit?

A: I only want each SD if possible I can buy each model hehe…

Q: What would you want it to be?

A: Any!!

Q: Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: Hmm… any kit is ok to me…Im not really choosy though.

Q: Someone might grant your wish! Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


Hello to all SD Fanatics ty for making me part of your group ^^ im really happy … arigatou minna san~!!

And thank you also Ms. Precious Chan for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude





Hey there SD fans! Its been a while since the SD Ex-Standard came out, and its’ been a love and hate for the SD line among builders and fans. This is just normal as each person’s tastes varies. But for those who are still confused why some fans hate or love these SD EX kits, and for those who still can’t make up their minds if they’re gonna get an SD EX kit, well, I hope this review can help you.


We have the SD EX EXIA and the SD EXIA!! Two SD kits, generations apart, side by side. Both are out-of-the box and haven’t been customized.Now let us explore both kits.



Like other SD EX, hollow back legs…


but the kit’s details are awesome!!


Stickers for addittional details is a lot better compared to previous SD EX kits. The green round parts of the head, chest and legs are stickers unlike the old SD EXIA‘s clear green parts.


We have the GN Shield.


The GN Sword.



The GN Short and Long Blades,


and a few gimmicks.


Articulation is superb, just like all SD EX kits are.


Now, the SD EXIA!!


You can see that the old kit doesn’t have a hollow leg and makes you wonder why the SD EX back leg is hollow.


The old kit lacks details and stickers are few, compared to the SD EX version. But the round green parts looks much better.


The GN Shield lacks stickers, just a plain blue, but more details can be seen.


Same goes for the GN Sword, as it lacks color.


It also has the GN Short and Long blades, but it can’t combine. The color is off too. (why blue?)


This gimmick though, is one that we truly miss on the SD EX version. The GN Drive can be pulled off and that clear green color which kinda gives off a glow.


The articulation is different for this kit.


Its’ arms doesn’t bend. The whole arm is a single piece.


And thus limiting the kit’s range of motion.


Both kits are a must-have and after a few comparisons here and there, we hope that this helped answer a few questions for us SD fans. Both kits have their respective charms, and as an SD fan, maybe we were hoping that, it would have been nice to combine it in a single kit. But still, at the end, we just love SD!! The more SD the merrier!! 😀

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

