Monthly Archives: November 2015


Hi SD fans! We’ve got another EX-Standard kit for you. It’s the SD EX-002/GAT X105 Strike and Aile pack, A.K.A Aile Strike Gundam!


Like the previous EX-Standard kit, details are absolutely amazing. Though still, the back legs are hollow and this goes on to kits that will follow.


Still, the V-fin, like the old kits, is still colored by sticker.

And yeah, the shoulder stickers are a bit irritating because it only covers one side as you can see here.


However, panel lines are really something.

As for gimmicks. It comes with the Aile pack but it has less articulation compared to the old kit.


The shield is more detailed, but, again, has lots of stickers.

Rifle looks good. And all these gimmicks fit well with HG kits.


Range of motion is a lot better, exactly what you’d expect on an EX-Standard.


Here is a comparison of the old Aile Strike Gundam to its EX-Standard counterpart.


And the Aile packs.


I’ll let you be the judge of which is better. Improved articulations and details. Even the stickers are a lot more detailed as well. I’m just hoping they would release the Launcher and Strike weapon system for the EX-Standard as well.

A must have kit for SD fans!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude


SDnatic of the month, November 2015

SD fans!! We have another great builder to grace our SDnatic of the month. His passion and love for SD is reflected on his custom builds. The man known as “ENAIRA CUSTOM”.


Mr. Eryl Alcazar


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: First of all, I would like to thank you for featuring me here for this month. I would like to apologize if this interview got delayed, It just happened that there are lots of things that I need to accomplish and do last October, but I am very grateful that you still gave me a second chance to be featured for the November edition. May you continue to feature amazing SD Builders for this is a very special scale of gunpla in which most modellers tend to forget and ignore since they are hard to modify, but us, yes us! we are brave enough to love SD and I personally would like to thank you for doing that!

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Hehehe, I Am Eryl Alcazar, also known as Enaira Custom by some of my closest gunpla friends and peeps. “Enaira” is my wife’s name spelled backwards which is “Ariane”. I am currently on my third year in building gunpla. I do not have such Grade where I specialized since I tend to build what is needed (for contest entries) and what I want to build (as for personal project). As what my groupmates know about me (GMMC Philippines), I love fooling around and making my peers happy and laughing. As a builder, my trademark is the “Poor Man’s Modification” in which I use those common materials that I can see around the house and incorporate it on my gunpla build, examples are plastic playing cards, coffee stirrers and plastic bottle caps… also, it’s been my trademark to use Local Shoes Glue as my adhesive material.



Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz has been an all time favorite, Gundam 00 season 1 and 2 and most of all Gundam Build Fighters

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Chang Wu Fei has been my childhood Gundam Pilot favorite, don’t know why but I like him.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: I always loved Shenlong, Nataku and Altron, but now, since I am much more involved in gunpla building, I began to love Strike Gundam and Zakus


When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: Three years ago, when I stopped racing tamiya mini 4WD’s, my hands looked for something to scratch it’s itchiness and gunpla has been the medicine, then the rest is history 🙂

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: As far as I remember it was November 2012, that was the Time GMMC Philippines was established by my Gunpla Brother Seph Dela Cruz and yours truly

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: As far as I remember, it was a THH 1/144 HG Cherudim GNHR/W whom my wife gave me when I told her that I want to try to build gunpla

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: OF COURSE!!! I am the creator of SD United 🙂 heheheheheh

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: who wouldn’t love those cuties?!! They are not costly and they are so lovable! Whenever you are tired and in burnout status in building your model kits, building SD’s is a great way to relax, Brother Seph and I do that most of the time

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: SD Sangokuden Koranpiku has been a frustration, that elusive tiger has been my dream SD Kit…. I was born in the Year of the Tiger so for me, it’s a must have….. SD Strike is also a favorite, that was the very first kit which I modified to look SD Musha


Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: approximately 20 to 25 kits, I went on hiatus in collecting SD Kits since I got frustrated due to the fact that I was not able to buy SD Koranpiku.. I sold some before and only kept those whom my wife gave to me and those Samurai SD’s which I considered as my treasures

Q: And many more to come?

A: Definitely YES!!!! more to come!

“Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?”

A: SD Sangokuden Koranpiku (Goutaitei) as I have said, is my dream SD Kit, but as of now, SD BB Legend Strike Ryubi is also a must for me for my small “Strike Collection”

Finally, how about a message or advice for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.


Thank you!! thank you for supporting SD United! we’ve come a long way and still, we are pushing to move forward. I really appreciate all of you guys! Please continue loving our SD Kits, not all gunpla builders appreciate the said grade but who cares, that’s what makes us happy so let us ignore them and continue to pursue our collection dream with the help of our little buddies. Always remember it is hard to modify an SD Kit so if you have the talent in doing so, be humble, learn how to share and always help your fellow sd builder and collector to acquire his/her dream kit. Our SD community is small, let us practice camaraderie to preserve our love for our SD. Again, Thank you Brother Paul Tan for having me here. Long live SD collectors of the Philippines 🙂


And thank you also Mr. Eryl Alcazar for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

P.S. Look forward for SD CON entries this year!!!

SD EX-001 RX-78-2

SD fans! I know there is a question that keeps on lingering in our minds this past few months. And that is, “will the EX-STANDARD live up or even exceed SD and Gunpla fans’ standards??


Well, it really depends on you, as a collector or builder, as each of us might have different or similar preferences. Also, each kit is different from the other even if they belong to a certain line, which means, articulation, gimmicks, and level of detail may vary. So what’s new in this SD EX-001 RX-78-2 ??

First of is its proportion and scale. With the head smaller and limbs longer, the whole kit looks slimmer. Almost like the NX Edgestyle line. Cool?


But, as you can see with the back shot that the legs are hollow from behind. The head/helment can’t be swapped anymore, as it uses old SD technology where the face mask is fused together with the head mold. Besides from that, details are a lot better.


Lots of scribed panel lines! The level of detail is amazing. Are those pistons? Yes, they are!


Just look at that arm and leg.


Backpack looks good too. Specially the boosters.


Though the red part on the waist is just stickers, and it even doesn’t go all the way back. So as the chest vents, just stickers.


One of the selling point of the EX-STANDARD is its compatibility with HG parts, and so, the shield is on an HG scale. The white and yellow parts are stickers.


And the Rifle. Added panel detail but less color.


You can mount, both Shield and Rifle at the back.


Beam Saber, added details to its hilt, which is not really visible when its being held.


Articulation is a lot better though, thanks to its proportion.


Yeah! Its more posable. Oh, I almost forgot. The EX-STANDARD line uses the same “PEGS” as the recent SD releases. (GBF, GBFT, BB Legends…) so more customization for builders.


Pose away!!



SD EX ver. and Anime Color ver. RX-78-2!! The Stylish and the Cuteness!!


In its whole, the SD EX presents more detailed SD kits. Better articulation because of the propotion. Compatibility for both HG and previous SD line but has limited color detail due to lack of color seperated parts. And yeah, stickers!

Builders would enjoy this kit, but I can’t say the same for collectors or fans who doesn’t customize kits.

So does it stand up to your standards?? Well you do love SD don’t yah!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude
