Monthly Archives: September 2015

NX Edgestyle OO Gundam & O Raiser!!

SD fans and Gundam 00 fans! Here it is!! The 00 Gundam and 0 Raiser NX Edgestyle set!!


This set is pure beauty!! Gotta love the details!! Here is the 0 Raiser unit!


The 00 Gundam with the GN Sword II!


The GN Sword II lacks color though…


Crossblades anyone??


A close-up look!


Admiring the details.


Pretty nice!




The GN Drives moves back and forth!!


Offcourse!! You can attach the GN Shields to the GN Drives, the Raiser at the back and we have the 00 Raiser Gundam!!


The figure suddenly becomes badass!!


This set definitely have a lot of gimmicks!! The GN Sword III, it’s green edge blade…


…which can be folded and converts into Rifle Mode!


Very posable, a definite characteristic of NX Edgestyle figures.


The GN Drives, GN Shield rotates.


A very impressive kit.


Well, what does it mean? Details, there are some parts that lack color but still good. Articulation is also good, the GN Drives limits the arm/shoulder rotation of the figure though. But what is important is that this set packs a lot of gimmicks! But then again, it should be just that for the price that you be paying. Either way, It’s a figure worth having! I mean, I did enjoy playing with it!! 😉

Till the next kit,

SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, SEPTEMBER 2015!

Hey there SD fans!! GBWC 2015 Philippines Qualifiers is right around the corner! And it’s a very busy time for those gunning for the trophy and also for those who just want to experience the event. Offcourse, we give all our support for all the SD entries for this year’s competition!!  And for this month’s SDnatic as well!!


Mr. Glen Mamorno!! 


Q: We’re very excited to have you as our SDnatic for this month. How do you feel?

A: Great! And undeniably happy to be featured by the one and only SDDude! Atlast! A dream     come true and a check on my bucket list. 🙂

Q: Can you tell us a little something about yourself?

A: I’m Glen Mamorno, 24 and a freelance graphic artist of hallmark and other secret companies producing mobile games, concerts and brands.

Q: What Gundam series was your gateway to the world of Gundam?

A: Gundam Wing, specially the E-Waltz


Q: What did you like about it?

A: I really liked the MS of the series, though its pretty weird that at my age that time, i was really amazed on how could they’ve created a storyline close on what i believed would be possible if war breaks out in the future. (My imagination that time.)

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A:  Heero Yuuy and Zechs Marquise will always be a tie for me. I always see them as the Yin and Yang of the series, since they both fight for peace, though they took different paths upon achieving it. (And another thing is, one was a little bit of a psychopath black panther, and the other was a well tamed white tiger on a cage).


Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Gundam Nataku!


Offcourse, when we talk about Gundams and Mobile suits, there is always Gunpla.

Q: Who/what inspired you to start Gunpla building?

A:  When I eventually ran into the anime Gundam Build Fighters. I was just amazed on the concept that your hard earned and built gunpla can also go unto battle and eventually enjoy camaraderie.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A:  Since grade 5 (first gunpla built) stopped and start again last 2013

Q: What was your very first kit?

A: HG 1/100 Nataku

Q: Why did you chose that model?

A: I was so amazed by chinese zodiacs by that time, and the dragon was the most powerful of them all. I think that was the main reason why I really love Nataku.

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: Yes! Absolutely!

Q: What made you fall in love with SD models?

A: The gimmicks and the details. I really love painting them! Especially the BB Legend and Sangokuden lines. (Really like the old era x gundam theme)

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Actually, all of my hard earned and painted kits like my Full Armor Knight Gundam (crimson themed) Its my first official Entry for a local contest which was GMKC2015 and first time Painting a kit Out of the box.

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Koumei from Brave Battle Warriors
Its my 2nd time painting an SD kits though with such good details of dragon carving on each armor pieces which I really like the most!

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Puchi Bear Guy (kitbashed with an SD Knight Gundam) called Blood Knight which was my winning Entry on a local group contest on a kitbashed category. This was also my 1st time painting a heavy weathered SD and I really loved the outcome.

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Lastly, my GBWC2015 entry SD Musha Victory. This is also my 1st time doing an SD kit with a diorama. It’s still unfinished though.


Q: So far, how many babies SD kits do you have?

A: 70+ maybe?! (Mostly Sangokuden line) Cant count them since i recently aqcuired some.

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Wow, that’s a lot.

Q: And more to come in the future?

A:  Yes! Absolutely!

Talkin’ like a real SD fan!

Q: How about a dream SD kit?

A: SD Nataku of course! 😉

Q: What would you want it to be?

A: BB Legend/Sangokuden themed

Q: Also, is there a kit that you really want to have?

A: Yes! That’s the MG Pearl Mirror Coating Wing Zero Custom! The holy grail of the Wing series line for me! 🙂

Since we already asked a lot, how about we wrap this up with a message to other SD fanatics?


To all SD fans out there! Either you’re unto gunpla or other models, just keep it up! Keep building! Keep collecting! As long as you enjoy the hobby go for it! But take cautions, just know your limits. Its not the quantity that makes us (modellers, builders and collectors) complete at all times, it will always be the effort you exert on building a good kit! Everything we do in our kits also reflect the way we do things on our daily life, so be patient, be meticulous, be clean and neat, be organized and most of all, be HAPPY in everything that you do! Keep sharing not only your wips, But also the knowledge and joy of building one! Also remember that there’s a thin line between hobbies and priorities, so when times come, its always ok to leave the hobby for the most important ones! Hobby will always be there ready for our comeback.  Lastly, I would really like to commend everyone out there who’s unto modelling! Kudos to all of us!

Thank you SD DUDE! More Power to you!


And thank you also Mr. Glen Mamorno for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude