Monthly Archives: August 2015

SDnatic of the month, AUGUST 2015!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a while. It was a very busy month for this SD Dude, but still, we didn’t forget those who love SD Gundams!!


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Especially this guy, who, despite not feeling well at that time, still glady agreed to do an interview. So, let us welcome this month’s SDnatic!

Mr. Cid Constantino!!


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: it’s an honor to be a SDnatic of the month because not everyone get a chance to be chosen by you guys, im so thankful you chose me as the SDnatic of august

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Im Cid Constantino, Age:unknown, Im a culinary student, I like Robots and Video games, yes Im a gamer also, and i like SD gundam 🙂

Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: Gundam series introduced me to the gundam world is Gundam Wing. yeah! I always watched them every afternoon when i was i kid, so thats why it’s hard not to like them and they have the best intro hehehe!

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: my favorite gundam character would be…Quatre Raberba Winner. Why Quatre because out of all of the Gundam Pilots, Quatre seems to be the most well-adjusted of the group, generally displaying a kind, humble personality, and he dsnt like to kill enemies.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock

When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: it started when i was grade four, my bestpal brought his SD wing zero at school and he said “uy may gundam wing nako (hey, I have Gundam Wing already)” and i was like ” wow ikaw na si Heero ah! san ka nakabili nyan, bibili din ako. (Wow, now you’re Heero, where did you bought it? im gonna get one too.)” ” haha (envy)

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: i started building gunpla when i was grade six. I always save my money just to buy kit every month sometimes every other month 🙂

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: yes i remember it clearly it was a SD XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock! Why that model? because gundam wing series motivate me to buy that SD sandrock hahaha and im so envy with my bestpal hahah

Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: YES ever since!

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: because SD gunpla are cute but at same time they are badass design robots with awsome gimiks and cool weapons thats why i love SD gunpla haha

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: this is one hard question.. I think my favorite is Nu Gundam. I like the color combination, articulation is great more posing moves and more weapon like the cannon and fin funnels gimik is good!

Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: i have 59 SD models 🙂

Q: And many more to come?

A: yes many more SD to come! Im excited for the SD ex-standard haha

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: it would be great if they will have a remake or remaster of WING SERIES From model 1 to model 2 all MS 🙂

Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Cid: Just keep building, experiment beause gundam is freedom and also never forget your responsibilities.


And thank you also Mr. Cid for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude