Monthly Archives: April 2015

PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam

Last week we had the GUNDAM. Now we get to see its’ beefed-up version, the “Perfect Gundam“!!


This kit is a Generation Neo version, and one of the best there is. And, probably why they released a 30th anniversary kit based on the Perfect Gundam.

The kit has a lot to offer. Let’s start off with its’ gimmicks, its heavy armor and equipments.

Face armor.

Personally I really don’t like the face armor. It feels unecessary. But that’s just me.

Double Barrel Hand Beam Gun.

Its Shield, with details of beam sabers and drop mines.

The 360mm Rocket gun/Beam Cannon.


Back pack and Propellant tank.

And the Beam Saber.


Details are good. Panel lines’ gonna make the kit a lot better. A few paint detailing be good as well. (Sorry for the numb marks on this kit. Its an old kit and built when I was still… a noob?)


And like the Alex kit, it has its own original mech. The G-Carrier!


It lacks detail, but with the full armor equipment on, you wouldn’t really notice.


As for the articulation, Generation Neo kits are known to have good range of movement. Though putting on the armor reduces its posability.


A Generation Neo kit, its details and articulation is good. Jampacked with gimmicks plus a new mech. The “Perfect Gundam” is a very nice kit to have. Comparing it with the 30th Anniversary Anime Color Ver., both base models are the same, only difference is the color, (duh), though the latest model have decals.


Grab one when you see one!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

RX-78-2 Gundam

This is where it all started! The grandaddy of all gundams! This is “the GUNDAM”!

The RX-78-2!!


This is the 30th anniversary/Anime color version of the RX-78-2. This kit is a recent release, and its model is obviously from the Perfect Gundam kit, which made me really happy and a bit sad. Meaning, its the same kit, just stripped of its’ armor but a few improvements as well. I’ll do a review of the Perfect Gundam later for comparison. For now, let see what this kit have for us SD fans.


It only has a few gimmicks/weapons. It doesn’t have a detachable core fighter, and I really wish it had. ^_^ 

It has its Beam Rifle.


The shield. Its front is detailed using stickers.


And the Beam Saber.


Details are very nice. I really like its new color. Greyish! And its shade of blue! Plus, there’s a surprise…


The kit comes with decals!! Though I haven’t applied it yet, im really sure that with this, the kit will definitely gonna be awesome.


The arculation and range of motion is really good.


Pose away!!


Overall verdict? The RX-78-2 is just simply magnificent. Details are awesome (with the decals), articulation is great. And it has the presence that says, “I am the GUNDAM”!


Definitely a must have!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

April is the month for Gundam!

Hi SD fans! It’s been a busy week for me as April is when we here in our country, observe the lenten season. But the month of April has another significance, especially for gundam fans. You do know what it is right?

April 7, 1979, the premiere of “Mobile Suit Gundam”. The very first gundam series! And with that, I have these kits for this April.


Do you see the difference? ^_^

We have the Winning Gundam and Star Winning Gundam as well.

So do look forward for this April!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude