Monthly Archives: February 2015

NX Edgestyle Strike Freedom and Destiny!!

SD fans! We all know what the NX Edgestyle is! I know you want one, and, even if you don’t, you will want one! What is it with this toyline? What does the NX Edgestyle have that mecha fans, gundam and super robot alike, make their hearts pound?

This is why!!


note: I’m a super robot fan as well, but, I love the gundam franchise which is why most of my collections, yes, are gundams, and its SD! That is why, I only have the MS release of the NX Edgestyle.

The NX Edgestyle is another product manufactured by BANDAI (H.K.), and pretty much like their SDGO toyline (the Zeong the was previously reviewed), it is an action figure, and, it’s in SD!!

A new kind of SD!! Its’ edgy and stylize design is beautiful!!

Very good details!


I really like its proportion, as it gives the figure more articulation while keeping the SD look.


The sad thing is, there are less gimmicks compared to their SD kit counterparts.

The Strike Freedom comes with the “Wing of the Skies” add-on.


Dual heat sabers.


The long range version of its’ rifle.


But its famous pair of “Xiphias 3” rail cannons doesn’t deploy.


For the Destiny Gundam, it has its “Arondight Beam Sword” and “High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon” which can be re-attached. But both have less details compared to the kit.


Same goes for its “Flash-Edge 2” boomerangs.


The High-Energy Beam Rifle


Its’ shield


And only a single “Palma Fiocina” Palm Beam Cannon


Sadly, it doesn’t come with the “Wings of Light”.

Both have figure stand/action base.


Overall, the figures have great details and articulations. Visually superb! But minimal mechanical functions with less gimmicks. It’s scale is smaller than the usual SD kit. As for the price, well, it’s a bit expensive.

You’d clearly would want one, but whether to get one, is for your funds to decide. But, hell, NX Edgestyle is really awesome!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SDnatic of the month, FEB 2015

Happy hearts month SD fans! And we know that #SDisLOVE !!


So, we have here with us is a man who has a lot of love for SD. Mr. Richie Jimenez!!


Q: What are your thoughts being the SDnatic of the month??

A: SDnatic of the month?? Ha Ha Ha… speechless… I never thought that I would be picked by “#SDDude” and
at the same time a little bit excited and nervous because it is my first time to be interviewed about my hobby.

Q: Care to share with us a bit about yourself?

A: Im Richie Jimenez, a father of two! and proud to be a SD lover, from Davao City.

Q: What Gundam series introduced you to the world of Gundam? What you liked about it?

A: I am a 90’s kid so the series that introduced me to the world of gundam are Gundam G , Wing and X.
Aside from the wicked MS and characters, one that I most anticipate in these series are their opening themes, especially gundam Wing’s opening theme 1 & 2 which are so good to listen to, the type where the melody lingers even after you heard or listened to it. To me and my cousins’ joy, we even then got ourselves a blank tape and recorded the opening theme using a cassette. He He He!

Q: Who is you favorite Gundam character? Why?

A: Gundam character? Ahhh….the one that left an impression on me was Trowa Barton… a strong prescence (because of the hairstyle hahahaha) a style which is cool, silent, mysterious. Much like “ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS” type of character.

Q: What is your favorite mobile suit?

A: Of course!!! HEAVY ARMS!!

When we talk about Gundams, Gunpla just comes to mind.

Q: What made you to start Gunpla building? Why?

A: I remember during my elementary days, a classmate bought a gundam kit (SD musha series)…honestly, life was hard, we had no budget for toys like gunpla he he he he… so, after I saw the SD kit of my classmate, I said to myself “If I’m already working, I’m gonna buy one.” he he he he …I’m just going to share, before, GMA7 has an “ANSWER THAT QUESTION PROMO” about Gundam Wing, the price was a NG 1/44 MS(wing series), snail mail was used before, so desperate to have a gunpla, I joined but I had no luck, my name wasn’t drawn.

Q: Since when did you start Gunpla building?

A: I started gunpla Building in 2005, first working career, first salary.

Q: Do you still remember your very first kit and why that model?

A: GUNDAM SD LEOPARD!! Honestly, there were only 2 left available at that moment, SD LEOPARD and SD TALLGEESE. I picked the Leopard because it has the same feel like the HEAVY ARMS!


Q: Are you an SD fan?

A: PROUDLY to say “YES”

Q: What made you love and collect SD Gunplas?

A: Me, honestly, I like small things that looks cute, even if it isn’t gunpla, any kind of toy as long as it’s “CHIBI version”, it easily catches my attention. IActually I’m very happy that Gunpla has a chibi version (SD) and that’s the reason why SD is very dear to me.

Q: What is your favorite SD kit? Why?

A: Hmmm…Favorite SD kit…he he he he, honestly almost all, but, BURNING GUNDAM (GOD gundam) left an impact to me, SD of course, and It’s old school. He he he he, fits perfectly in my timeline.


Q: How many SD models you have now?

A: I think, the built model kits is around 30 pcs and then 15 boxes of backlogs. He he he he he (not much free time he he he he)


Q: And many more to come?

A: HOPEFULLY, YESsss!!!!!!

Now that is an SD fan!!

Q: Is there a kit that you really want? A dream SD kit or a kit that you wish to be made?

A: SD model kit that I really want? hmmmmm????? There is only one that I want the most, SD Devil, he he he he, Its my dream kit ever since I started gunpla.

Finally, how about a message or advise for SD fanatics? And inspire other Gunpla builders about SD.

Richie: To all SDlover and Sdnatics out there, just keep on building and collecting. Don’t hesitate to explore techniques and share your ideas. This is what I always keep in mind regarding this hobby that “GUNPLA IS FREEDOM” by Meijin Kawaguchi. Do not limit your imagination on gunpla, if ever someone would bash at your work, don’t take it as a failure but take it as a lesson, this will make us a better builder.

Thank you sir #SDDude for this wonderful interview.


And thank you also Mr. Richie for letting us, know you. Keep buildin’!! And more love for SD!!

Every month, we will be featuring a fellow SDnatic!! Those whose love for SD Gunpla go way beyond…If your one of us, or knows someone who is, just let me know.

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

GF13-017NJII GOD Gundam

SD fans, we are on the 2nd week of the love month!! We are featuring the mobile suits of the “King of Hearts” and last week we started with the Shining gundam. We now continue with the next mobile suit…

The God Gundam!!


This kit is a Generation Neo release, which means, its pretty good! It doesn’t have a lot of add-ons or extra equipments like rifles and shields, the suit is a melee fighter. But, it still has its’ gimmicks.

The God Gundam can change into hyper mode!!


Chest opens up…


The pair of God Slashers deploys…


The backpack unfolds…


The God Finger and spare hands for poses. And a beam saber.


Articulation is superb as well!! Perfect for the fighting poses, and the split pose!


Detail painting or panel lining is not required. It already has an amazing look.

The God Gundam overall is a superb kit, its’ details, articulation and gimmicks! Grab this kit when you get a chance!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD news!! Lightning and NX Edstyle Wing EW

It’s here! Finally! SD fans! Yuuma Kousaka’s Lightning Gundam BB Senshi coming this April 2015!







And there is yet another treat for us! The latest gundam for the NX Edgestyle line will be released this June 2015, the Wing EW NX Edgestyle!






I just can’t wait to get my hands on these units!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam

SD fans! It’s February, the month of hearts and there is no one better to represent but none other than the “King Of Hearts”, Domon Kasshu!!

His Gundams ofcourse!!


The Shining and God Gundam, are mobile fighters (not mobile suit), featured in the Gundam series Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Different from the usual gundam concept, still both these units gained lots of love from gundam fans. And I love the SD kits they released!!

For this week, SD Dude is gonna review the SD Shining gundam, its generation zero and generation neo release.

Let’s start with the SD Shining gundam Generation Zero.


Its articulation is simple just like any other Generation Zero kits because it is an old release. The hands and arms are fused into a single piece.


As for the gimmicks, it has a few.

The core fighter attaches to become a booster and its cockpit opens and closes.



It also has an extra hand, the Shining Finger mode!!


A beam sword.


And the Shining‘s Battle mode!!


The face armor opens.


The shoulder armor pop out.


As for the details, panel lining will make this kit great.

Now, the SD Shining Gundam Generation Neo is a different story and one of my favorite SD line.


Let see its’ gimmicks!!

It doesn’t have the previous core fighter hatch gimmick, but it still looks good.


The hands have the glowing effect for the Shining Finger mode and it has other extra hands as well.


The sword is upgraded to the Shining Finger sword, well because it is now green and glowing. ^_^


Into the Battle Mode!! Face and shoulder armor opens.



But the best thing about this kit is its’ articulation!


It is simply the best there is! Even compared to recent SD releases. It can even split!!!


Details are fine. The kit already looks good even with out panel lining or painting.

The Generation Zero may be small but it has its cuteness, a few detailing will bring out its worth. The Generation Neo is superb! Its detail and flexibility creates wonderful poses!! Overall, both SD Shining kits are a good addition for your collection.

Next week, Domon’s God Gundam!!

Till the next kit,
SD Dude

SD News!! SxDxG Gundam and SD Neo Zeong (metallic finish ver.)!! And upcoming review for FEB.

SD fans, team SD-R’s gundam, the SxDxG Gundam is coming this March 2015! Another great addition to your SD collection. image image image image image image And another great news! For those who haven’t got an SD NEO ZEONG yet!! Here is another chance to get that awesome kit but with more awesomeness added!! What am I saying?? It’s the P-Bandai exclusive SD Neo Zeong metallic finish version!! This April 2015!! Drool….. image image image image And for this month of the hearts, Feb 2015, SD Dude gives you none other than… “The King of Hearts!!” image And two other heart stealing kits!! image image All that this February 2015!! Till the next kit, SD Dude